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Vegetable Nursery industry with soilless vegetable seedlings

Jayanthi Medhi, a farmer from Assam, established a successful nursery and earns around Rs 7.5 lakh annually from the nursery


In the work of vegetable nursery, a good income can be earned by making nursery of plants. Apart from vegetable plants, planting material for ornamental plants and flowering plants can also be prepared here. It is in great demand nowadays. Nowadays people want to keep green from their home to office, that means the demand for plants always remains. The market is there, but to be successful in the nursery business, one must have the right knowledge and skills associated with it. Jayanti Medhi, a 40-year-old youth from Assam, also got tremendous success in this after taking training related to this business. Now he is supplying vegetable plants in the surrounding areas. One specialty of his business is that he is preparing plants without soil in the nursery.

Helped with skills training 

Jayanthi Medhi, a 40-year-old rural youth from Assam, mainly does horticulture on his 6 acres of land. For additional income, he also set up a horticulture nursery, but it did not get much success. But in February 2020, after attending a training program, his life changed. A skill based training program on ‘Nursery Management’ was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Nalbari under the Skill Training Program for Rural Youth (STRY). Using the knowledge and skills gained in this program, Jayanthi started growing her nursery industry. This program also helped him in marketing his nursery plants. The experts of the training institute also provided them advice and technical assistance. After setting up the nursery in an advanced way, now he gets an annual income of around Rs 7.5 lakh.

Vegetable Nursery industry with soilless vegetable seedlings
Image Credit: manage

Information given on these topics in the training program 

The program covered various topics on setting up a commercial nursery, marketing, nursery planning and layout, methods and techniques of plant propagation, preparation of planting material for potting and repotting, preparation of vegetable seedlings and their management. Information about nursery registration and government schemes, preparation of vegetable nursery beds and sowing of vegetable seeds in pro trays, etc. was also given in this training program.

Benefits of skill based training 

  • Jayanti re-established her old nursery in a scientific manner, using the skills she gained from the training. 
  • He started preparing planting material of quality vegetables for the customers. 
  • Using scientific techniques, he started preparing disease free vegetable plants. 
  • He established Mother Plant Block to help in the expansion of his nursery and started production of soilless seedlings of various vegetables. Along with this, vermicompost production was also started in the nursery. 
Vegetable Nursery industry with soilless vegetable seedlings
Image Credit: manage

Inspired other youths 

Jayanthi Medhi is an educated youth. He has established himself as a nursery entrepreneur and is earning handsome profits from it. Seeing this, other youths of the area have also been inspired to adopt the nursery industry. Inspired by the jubilee, many youths started growing quality planting material at their home and selling it in the local market. In Jayanthi’s nursery, trainee farmers come to visit and try to understand their techniques. Now he conducts training programs in his locality with the help of Krishi Vigyan Kendra and NGO’s.

Kisan of India’s advice for preparing vegetable nursery 

According to the advice of ICAR, the following things must be kept in mind while preparing the nursery-

  • The vegetable nursery area should be well fenced to protect it from domestic animals and wild animals.
  • Where the vegetable nursery is being prepared, the place should be near the water source and should be free from water logging.
  • Nursery should be near the main field for transplanting.
  • Sunlight from the south-west direction is most suitable.
  • There should be proper drainage system.
  • Fertile and healthy soil is required to grow the plant. For this, the soil should be from loam to sandy loam.
  • The soil should have good organic matter. The soil should neither be too coarse nor too fine. The pH value of the soil should be around 6 to 7. 

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