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Seed production: Champaran farmers Vijayagiri grows magic rice

Cultivation of coloured rice varieties started from 2017


Vijayagiri cultivates black, green, red, magic and ambe mohar rice along with several other rice varieties in his farm. They cultivate coloured rice varieties in a completely organic way.

Nowadays farmers are doing new experiments in agriculture too. Farmers are also getting benefit from these experiments. Farmers living in Ramnagar block of West Champaran in Bihar are doing many experiments on Vijayagiri paddy crop. Vijayagiri, who is associated with the seed production business, is also benefiting from his experiments. Let us tell you that Vijayagiri cultivates black, red, green as well as magic rice. Seeing these rice varieties, it seems as if someone has put colour on them. Vijayagiri explains that the use of these rice varieties rich in minerals and vitamins is very beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes. This fact has also been certified by the Agricultural Research Center. Vijayagiri has received many honours at the state and district level. Let us know how Vijayagiri started cultivating these rice varieties. Kisan of India had a special conversation with Vijayagiri. 

coloured rice
Seed production

Cultivation of coloured rice varieties started from 2017 

Vijayagiri has been associated with agriculture since 1975. He told how he got the idea of ​​cultivating improved rice varieties. He had gone to a meeting of farmers. When they offered sweets there, many refused. The reason for this was suffering from diabetes. From here he got the idea of ​​cultivating black rice. Black rice is known for its medicinal properties. Vijayagiri started cultivating these different rice varieties from 2017. 

coloured rice

Which varieties are cultivated by Vijayagiri?

Associated with the seed production sector, Vijayagiri explains that he cultivates black, green, red, magic and Ambe Mohar rice varieties as well as many other rice varieties. They cultivate these rice varieties in a completely organic way. Organic farming does not cost them much, which increases their profits. Due to organic farming, the risk of disease in the crop is also less. 

From Where seeds of these rice varieties come from and what are its benefits?

Vijayagiri brought the seeds of paddy crops from different states of the country. Each rice variety has its own specialty. Let us know in detail about these varieties of rice.

Black Rice: Champaran farmer Vijayagiri started with the cultivation of black rice. He had procured the seeds of this variety of rice from Manipur. Vijayagiri initially used less seeds and raised the crop in less space. He got profit from this crop. Let us tell you that there are two varieties of black rice. One is ready to ripen in 160 days, while the other is ready within 110 days. The difference between the two varieties is only in the texture of the rice grains. Many types of minerals are abundant in black rice. This rice is beneficial for diabetic patients.

coloured rice
Seed production

Red Rice:

After the success in the production of black rice, Vijayagiri also started cultivating red rice. He got its seeds from Uttarakhand. He started red rice cultivation from 2021. This variety of rice also contains many types of minerals. Red rice is considered beneficial for the prevention of diseases like heart disease, cancer and sugar etc. The crop of this variety matures in 110 days and becomes ready.

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coloured rice

Green Rice: The seeds of green rice were brought by Vijayagiri from Chhattisgarh. This variety of rice is also known as Kasturi. Research work on this is going on at the Indira Gandhi University near Raipur. The seeds of this variety of rice are made available to the farmers. Many types of minerals are also found in it. The crop of this variety matures in 170 days and becomes ready. 

coloured rice

Ambe Mohar: Ambe Mohar was a rice variety that Vijayagiri brought from Gujarat. The specialty of this rice variety is that it smells like mango. This variety of rice containing various minerals is famous for Kheer. This variety matures in 140 days. 

coloured rice

What is Magic Rice? 

Magic rice seeds were brought by Vijaygiri from Assam. The specialty of theis rice variety is that it gets cooked even in cold water. Vijayagiri tells that when he went to the farmers fair in Nadia district of Bengal, then he came to know about magic rice. Then he got the magic rice seeds from Assam. He planted those seeds in his field. When they were ready to be cooked, he first tasted them himself. At that time the people of the Agriculture Department had also come to see the magic rice grown by him. He recognized this variety of rice. This variety of rice gave new identity to Vijayagiri. Magic rice gets ready to ripen in 170 days. 

Also read: Advanced methods of protecting paddy crop from harmful insects, know from plant protection expert Dr. Mayank Kumar Rai

Things to be kept in mind while cultivating these crops 

Progressive farmer Vijayagiri tells that if a farmer is starting, first of all he should sow a small amount of crop. The farmer should use indigenous seeds while sowing the crop. The farmer should do organic farming completely. By doing organic farming, there is less disease in the crop and also the cost is reduced. Neem oil should be used to protect the crop from disease-pests. Neem oil is completely organic. 

Method of sowing: At the time of sowing, keep in mind that they should sow the seeds in line method. Seeds should not be planted densely. Sowing should be done keeping in mind the basic principles of farming. 

How much profit and how is the market? 

Vijayagiri yields 16 to 18 quintals in one acre. The produce of crop comes out in the form of seeds. They are delivering seeds to every state of the country. About 30 thousand to 35 thousand farmers are associated with them. Some part of the produce is also given to self-help groups and agriculture centres. After taking out the cost, they get a profit of up to 50 percent. 

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