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How ‘Millet Man’ worked from employment to market system?

Products made from millet are supplied abroad


Cereals like jowar and bajra, also known as coarse grains, are very nutritious, but nowadays people do not like to eat it. There is also a lack of awareness about its health benefits. In such a situation, the farmer Veer Shetty fraternity of Telangana has popularized the traditional millet with his unique idea. He not only cultivates coarse cereals himself, but is also inspiring others to do the same. People have given him the title of ‘Millet Man’. Come, know how to become a millet man from driver.

How 'Millet Man' worked from employment to market system?
Image Credit: Millet Man Veer Shetty\Twitter

Walked on difficult roads 

Veer Shetty, 44, a farmer from Gangapur village in Sangareddy district in Telangana is no less than a messiah for the people of his area today. But his journey from driver to ‘millet man’ was not easy. He is the eldest among 3 brothers. In such a situation, it was only after 10th standard that the responsibility of running the house came on him. He also worked as a driver for a few days to run the family. But eventually he joined his traditional profession i.e. farming. He has 13 acres of dry land and 5 acres of irrigated land. In this he cultivates gram, red gram, jowar, bajra, foxtail millet and finger millet.

Inspired by feeling of hunger 

Veer Shetty once went to Maharashtra for some work and there he could not find anything to eat and he remained hungry for the whole day. Then he realized the real yearning of hunger. It was only after returning home from Maharashtra that he decided that he would do some such work so that people would get nutritious food along with filling their stomachs.

When did the cultivation of coarse cereals start? 

He started cultivating jowar from 2005. Apart from this, he also started making value added products from jowar and bajra. His motive behind doing this was to keep the youth away from junk food and reduce the increasing lifestyle disease in the urban population.

How 'Millet Man' worked from employment to market system?

Created his own company 

In 2009 Veer Shetty started SS Bhavani Foods Pvt Ltd in HUDA Colony, Chandan nagar, Hyderabad. His company manufactures more than 60 value-added items like sorghum, millet, finger millet, etc. The special thing about Veer Shetty is that he is not only moving forward himself, but he is also working to advance them by giving employment to the youth and giving them a fair price for their crops.

Work for the betterment of farmers 

Veer Shetty started Swayam Shakti Agri Foundation in 2016 to work with farmers. With the help of which the farmers got a fair price for their crops as well as other types of help. His company is associated with about 1000 farmers from eight villages in Sangareddy district. Earlier, the farmers of the district had to go to the city to buy even one kg of seeds, but now they get good seeds, at reasonable prices, at home and this was possible due to the efforts of Veer Shetty. Along with this, his organization also teaches the techniques of growing good crops to the farmers.

Millet is a superfood 

Veer Shetty believes that millet is a superfood that is beneficial for farmers as well as those who consume it. He is earning 1 lakh rupees every month from the value added products of millets, apart from this, he earns 3-4 lakh rupees annually from farming.

Best Farmer Award 

Veer Shetty was given the Best Farmer Award by MS Swaminathan Research Foundation in 2017 for his invaluable contribution to agriculture. In the same year he was also honoured with the Dr. MV Rao Memorial Award. He has received the Best Millet Misharayya Award from the Indian Institute of Millet Research, Hyderabad.

Also Read: Brahmastra of natural farming, annihilation of enemies of crop

Cereals like jowar, bajra are rich in nutrients. Their market is not very big just because of lack of awareness. People like Veer Shetty are working to improve both people’s health and farmers’ income by spreading awareness about India’s traditional cereals and making different types of food items from it. 

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