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Know the advanced method of Guggul Farming

Guggul cultivation of medicinal plant Guggul, how much it costs and what is the yield, Protection of guggul is necessary


Guggul plant is very beneficial, it is used from worship to making medicine. The botanical name of Guggul is Commiphora. Its special thing is that this plant grows even in dry and barren areas, so farmers can cultivate it even on their vacant land. Guggul gum is in demand in the market as it is used in various Ayurvedic, allopathic and Unani medicines. Preservation of Guggul rich in medicinal properties is necessary and for conservation it is necessary to promote Guggul farming. 

Guggul farming
Image Credit: medplants

Climate and soil for Guggul farming 

Guggul farming is good in hot and dry weather. It can tolerate temperature ranging from 40-45 degree Celsius to 3 degree Celsius. In hilly areas, it grows like bushes in forests. Its plant is 1 to 3 meters high. The plants are bushy and the branches are thorny. Its leaves fall in cold weather. Its fruits look like small plums. The gum-like sticky substance that comes out from the stem and branches of this plant is called Guggul. The color of fresh guggul turns yellow and turns black when old. It can also be cultivated in saline and dry land. Loam and sandy loam soil whose Ph. If the value is between 7.5 to 9.0, it can also be cultivated well. It can also be grown in black soil.

Guggul farming
Image Credit: ICAR

Transplanting\sowing in Guggul farming 

Plants are prepared by the seeds of Guggul or by grafting. Apart from the cold season, its seeds are formed throughout the year. But the seeds obtained from July to September are considered good because they germinate quickly. Apart from this, Guggul farming is also done by applying cuttings. Plants grow faster by grafting than seeds. While cutting the pen, keep in mind that it should be as thick as your finger, but not thicker than the thumb. Plant the grafted plants at a distance of 3X3 meters, for this prepare pits of 30X30X30 cm and put rotten cow dung manure in it. Planting should be done after rains in the month of July.

Plant care 

Guggul plants require more care for the first one year. Manage weeds regularly and apply one or two irrigations as needed.

Guggul Farming
Image Credit: ICAR

How to remove gum? 

Usually the Guggul tree is ready only after 6-8 years. Only then can you extract gum from its branches. To remove gum, make circular incisions 1.5 cm deep on the main stem or branches at 30 cm and 60 degree angles at equal distances. White and yellow aromatic gum comes out from the incision site, which gradually becomes solid. Take special care of cleanliness while collecting the gum. 300-400 grams of gum is released from 6 to 8 years old Guggul bushes. Guggul gum can be sold in the market at the rate of Rs.900 per kg.

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