Lemon Farming: Increased income from these improved varieties
Skyrocketing lemon prices is an area of concern
With the arrival of summer, the prices of lemons start touching the sky, this time also the situation is the same. These days the price of lemon has gone up to Rs 250-400 per kg in most of the cities of the country. According to one figure, more than 37.17 lakh tonnes of lemon is produced in India annually, which is consumed in the country itself. Today we will tell you about lemon farming and its special varieties. The demand for lemon remains the same throughout the year. Therefore, cultivation of lemon is a profitable business for the farmers.
Lemon varieties
India is the largest producer of lemon in the world. It produces 16 percent of the world’s lemon production. Some of the improved varieties of lemon are as follows.
Kagazi lemon
Its plants are not very big. In summer its price reaches up to Rs 100 per kg. Lemon tree starts bearing fruit after 3 to 4 years. It gives fruit twice a year. Therefore the attraction of Indian farmers has increased towards it. Its fruit is ready in 150 to 180 days. One plant gives an average production of 1000 to 1200 fruits per year. 52 percent lemon juice is obtained from the paper lemon.
This variety gives 30 percent more yield than ordinary kagazi lemon. Pramalini variety is grown commercially. This variety of lemons are prepared in bunches. Up to 57 percent juice is obtained from its one lemon. It produces 40 to 50 kg of fruits per plant.
The fruits that emerge in Vikram variety plants are in the form of clusters. 7 to 10 lemons are obtained from one bunch of it. Lemons can be seen on this variety of plants only throughout the year. The fruits are obtained in the months of September, May and June. Its production is 30-32% higher than ordinary lime.
Chakradhar lemon does not have seeds and about 65% juice comes out from its fruit. Its plants are straight and dense. Its fruits are round. The fruit starts coming after four years of planting. Its fruits come in January-February, June-July and September-October.
Its fruits are round, medium to large in size and yellow in colour. It contains about 52 percent juice. This variety is resistant to canker, tristeza and leaf borer disease.
Sai Sharbati
This variety is grown in large quantities in hilly areas like Assam. Plants of this variety are known for giving maximum fruits. Apart from this, lemons of this variety are also found seedless. Their skin is very thin.
Soil for Lemon Cultivation
Sandy and loamy soils are best for lemon cultivation. Also the pH of the soil should be 6.5-7. Also the land should be such where water does not stagnate. Lemon can also be grown in lightly acidic and alkaline soils. As far as the weather is concerned, it can be grown in a variety of climate, but it cannot be cultivated in very cold places.
How to prepare the field for lemon cultivation?
Lemon plant once planted gives fruit for many years. Therefore, sowing should be done only after preparing the field properly. First the field should be deeply plowed. This completely destroys the remains of the first crop. Then by adding manure of old cow dung, plowing should be done by rotavator. Then the pit should be prepared for transplanting the plants in the field.
How to plant?
Buy lemon plants from the nursery, make sure that the seedlings are one month old and healthy. Now transplant them in the field. Generally, the months of June and August are considered good for sowing. Lemon plants grow well during the rainy season. Lemon plants start giving fruits after 3-4 years of planting. Keep a distance of 10 feet between the pit which is prepared for planting lemon seedlings. About 600 saplings can be planted in one hectare of field. Lemon plants are usually planted in the rainy season, so not much irrigation is required.
What variety to plant?
Different varieties are planted according to the season and climate. If you want to plant the best variety for higher yield of lemon, then you can consult the State Horticulture Department regarding which variety will be good for you. By the way, paper lemons are usually produced the most.
Earning starts from third year
After planting the lemon plant, good fruits start coming in it in the third year. The price of lemon in the market ranges from 20 to 50 rupees in bulk. In such a situation, if farmers cultivate lemon in one acre in a year, then they can earn about 3 to 4 lakh rupees. Not only this, as long as the lemon plant does not bear fruit, you can grow vegetables among their plants.
Contact us: If farmers want to share information or experiences related to farming with us, then they can do this by calling us on the phone number 9599273766 or by writing an email to kisanofindia.mail@gmail.com or by sending your recording. Through Kisan of India, we will convey your message to the people, because we believe that if the farmers are advanced then the country is happy.