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Pest management is necessary for good mentha crop

Pests increase in summer so essential steps need to be taken well in time.


Like any other crop, the mentha crop is also affected by pests and diseases. Proper management of pests is very important, especially in the summer season. Otherwise, the farmers have to bear heavy losses. Although mentha is used for many things, it is mainly produced to make mentha oil. Its fragrance is refreshing, so peppermint is used in many beauty products. Let us know which pests attack mentha crops and how they can be prevented.


This pest attacks the soft parts of the plants and sucks the sap. The effect of this pest remains on the seeds from February to March. Due to their effect, the growth of plants stops. Farmers can make a solution of 1% Metasystox 25 EC to prevent this pest and sprinkle it in the fields.


This pest eats the leaves and makes them hollow, due to which nutrients are lost from them. To prevent this, prepare 0.2% carbaryl solution and sprinkle it 2-3 times for 15 days.

Image Credit: ourgardenworks

Hairy Caterpillar 

This pest lives on the lower surface of the leaves and eats them, due to which the amount of oil in the leaves decreases. To prevent this, spraying should be done by making a solution of dichlorvos or fenvalerate. 

Reticulated Insect 

This insect is of broad black colour and attacks the mentha leaves and stems. They can be sprayed with dimethoate at 400-500 ml per hectare. 

Leaf Spot Disease 

Due to this disease, brown spots appear on the leaves, due to which their ability to make food is reduced. Because of this, the growth of the plants also stops, and the leaves turn yellow and start falling. To prevent this, farmers can sprinkle 0.2 to 0.3 percent copper oxychloride, Dithane M-45 solution mixed with water two to three times at an interval of 15 days.

Image Credit: gardenforindoor


Termites are also one of the reasons for the failure of Mentha crop. Termites damage the plants by reaching from inside the ground. Due to its weight, the plants start withering slowly and their proper development is not possible. To protect the field from termites, it is necessary to irrigate the field at the right time as well as to eliminate weeds. 

Although Mentha is cultivated all over the country, but it is mostly produced in Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Punjab. In UP, it is called green gold, because it is a good crop and it yields good income. India is number one in the world in the production of mentha oil which is in great demand all over the world. Mentha grown in one hectare yields about 150 kg of oil. If cultivated properly, the production can be up to 250-300 kg. Mentha oil is sold in the market for up to Rs 1000 per litre. If seen in this way, farmers can earn up to Rs 3 lakh from one hectare only.

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