Agriculture and Farming Technology Updates

Write for Us

Are you passionate about agriculture, agribusiness, and related topics? Do you have valuable insights, tips, or stories to share with our audience? If yes, then we invite you to write for us!

Kisan of India is a digital platform that aims to empower the farmers of India with knowledge, skills, and opportunities. We produce and upload videos on various topics related to agriculture and animal husbandry, such as organic farming, dairy farming, goat farming, poultry farming, fish farming, mushroom farming, machinery of agriculture, pig farming, and more.

We also have a blog where we publish articles on topics such as government policies and schemes, agricultural startups, advanced seeds and breeds, new research and experiments, expert advice, market information, and more.

We are looking for creative writers and journalists who can produce high-quality content for our blog. We welcome guest posts from anyone interested in writing about modern farming or agribusiness, as long as they follow our guidelines and standards.


Before you submit your article, please read and follow these guidelines carefully:

  • Your article should be original and unique. It should not be published elsewhere or copied from any source. We will check your article for plagiarism and reject it if it is not original.
  • Your article should be relevant and informative. It should provide value to our readers and help them learn something new or solve a problem. It should not be promotional or self-serving.
  • Your article should be well-written and well-structured. It should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. It should use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and paragraphs to organize the content. It should also use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Your article should be at least 800 words long. We prefer long and in-depth articles that cover the topic comprehensively, but we also accept short articles if they are relevant and informative.
  • Your article should include at least one relevant image. The image should be royalty-free or licensed for reuse. You should provide the source and attribution of the image. You can also include videos, infographics, charts, or graphs if they enhance your article.
  • Your article should include at least one external link to a reputable and authoritative source. The link should support your claims or provide additional information. You should not link to any spammy or low-quality websites. You should also avoid linking to your competitors or direct rivals.
  • Your article should follow our tone and style. We use a friendly, conversational, and engaging tone. We avoid jargon, slang, or technical terms that may confuse our readers. We also use simple and clear language that is easy to understand and follow.


If you are ready to submit your article, please follow these steps:

  • Write your article in a Word document or Google doc. Format it according to our guidelines and proofread it for errors.
  • Write a short bio about yourself. Include your name, location, and a brief introduction. You can also add a link to your website or social media profile, as well as a headshot photo.
  • Send your article, bio, and photo to _________ with the subject line “Write for us: article submission”.
  • Wait for our response. We will review your article and get back to you within a week. If your article is accepted, we will let you know when it will be published. If your article is rejected, we will let you know why and give you feedback.

We appreciate your interest and contribution to our website. We look forward to receiving your article and sharing it with our audience. Thank you for writing for us!

Contact us – If farmers want to share any valuable information or experiences related to farming, they can connect with us via phone or WhatsApp at 9599273766 or you can write to us at “”. Through Kisan of India, we will convey your message to the people, because we believe that if the farmers are advanced then the country is happy.

You can connect with Kisan of India on FacebookTwitter, and WhatsApp and Subscribe to our YouTube channel.