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10 home remedies recommended by scientists to save animals from heat

The milk production capacity of the officials starts falling rapidly due to the heat and the livestock farmers suffer a lot.


Most of the areas of the country are facing extreme heat these days. Such weather is also very challenging for milch animals and cattle rearers, as the temperature of 5 to 25 °C is considered most favorable for the maximum productivity of dairy animals. Similarly, when the humidity in the air, i.e., Temperature Humidity Index, is more than 72 points. Then, the effect of heat stress is seen on dairy animals. Apart from reducing cattle’s fertility and milk production due to heat, other aspects of health are also affected.

Effects of heat stress on Dairy Cattle

Just as humans get heat stroke due to excessive heat, animals’ thermoregulatory physiological mechanism also gets disturbed. This thermoregulatory system protects the body of animals from extreme cold or heat so that their biological, chemical, physical, and digestive processes continue to run correctly. That is why the body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure of animals increase due to severe heat stress.

Forage intake can be reduced by up to 35 percent. Due to this, the milk production capacity starts falling rapidly, and the cattle rearers suffer a lot. Indigenous breeds of animals still tolerate high temperatures, but foreign and hybrid species cannot tolerate them.

How to combat heat stress?

Generally, animal parents know that if the animal is suffering from heat stress, then how to treat it? Nevertheless, ‘Kisan of India’ is here to let you know about the home remedies recommended by the experts of ICAR-Central Institute for Research on Cattle, Meerut. It is possible that the animal parents already know about the tips being told ahead. Despite this, they should know what else they do not know, whereas it is very easy to adopt them.

Daily Remedy: Feed animals at night during summer. Give them easily digestible and good-quality feed. Increase the amount of green fodder. Give a mixture of minerals regularly. For example, put salt in their feed. Also, add 100 grams of sodium bicarbonate to the fodder. It reduces the adverse effects of heat. Also, give them 100 grams of oil daily. If the animals are confined in one place, there should be arrangements for them to drink water at least five times a day.

  • Keep animals in a shady place.
  • Keep clean water available to the animals at all times.
  • Bathe the animals frequently. Feed the cows only when the sun is low or the weather is cold.
  • Change the feeding schedule for animals in the summer season.
  • Take care of the health of the hooves of the cows.

Home and natural remedies for heat stroke

  1. Applying onion juice on the body and behind the ears of cows.
  2. Frying some chopped onions in a pan and adding a little cumin powder and a little sugar to it and giving the prepared mixture to animals.
  3. Extract the juice of basil leaves and add some sugar to it. Feed this solution to cows.
  4. Raw mango is also one of the most popular natural home remedy. For this, take some raw mangoes, boil them and then soak them in cold water. Then take the pulp of these mangoes and mix some coriander, cumin, jaggery, salt and black pepper in it. Give this mixture to the animal 3-4 times a day.
  5. Prepare a paste by adding ground black pepper to a little coconut water. Cool it and apply it on the body of cows.
  6. Feed them with aloe vera juice mixed with water.
  7. Grind 10 grams rose petals, 25 grams aniseed, 10 grams gojuva flowers and 10 grams Java flowers together. Then add some sugar or milk to it. Give this mixture to the animal for 3-4 days.
  8. Taking coriander juice with sugar is a simple natural home remedy.
  9. Soak some berries in water till they become soft. Then mash the soft berries in water. Filtering it and making a decoction of it and giving it to cows gives relief from heat-borne stress.

Also Read: Dairy Cattles: How to protect newborn calves from diseases at birth and after birth

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