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Dairy Farming: Know what is the Integrated Dairy Farming Model

In the beginning she faced many problems, then adopted the modern dairy farming techniques


The contribution of women in animal husbandry has been seen only as a help, but now the circumstances are changing. Most of the women in the villages do the work of extracting milk and fodder and water. Now many women are adopting dairy farming as a business. One such woman is Savita Devi, a resident of the Banka district of Jharkhand.

Dairy business started with a single cow

Savita of Sijua village in Banka owns one hectare of land. She started her dairy business in 2007 with a Holstein Friesian Cow. Initially, she had to face many difficulties. The cow used to have trouble conceiving annually. For this, she contacted the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and ATMA office in Banka. On the advice of scientists, Savita Devi started dairy farming in a scientific way for better income.

Pays special attention to diet

She started treating straw with urea. In this way, the nutritional value of fodder increased. The protein content of straw treated with urea is about 9%. Apart from this, many started giving diets rich in minerals. For good milk production, it is important to feed green fodder along with nutritious grains and fodder to milk animals. Green fodder fulfills the deficiency of nutrients inside the animals.




dairy farming
Imagecredits: agricoop


Hydroponics technology adopted for the production of green fodder

Savita Devi also cultivates crops like Hybrid Napier, Berseem, Cluster Bin, and Cowpea for green fodder for livestock. Savita Devi knows that green fodder is not available throughout the year, so she also produces green fodder with hydroponics technology.

Increased milk production from silage

Savita Devi preserves fodder by silage method. If milch animals are fed silage instead of straw, their milk production increases. Green fodder is available more than necessary during the rainy season. If this fodder is preserved by making silage, then nutritious fodder is provided to the animals in the form of silage during the dry season and shortage and scarcity of fodder.

Village people turned to the dairy business

Today she has 15 cows. They produce 150 liters of milk daily. She sells it to Sudha Dairy. She is earning good income from the sale of milk as well as from the compost unit. Thanks to the efforts of Savita Devi and inspired by her, every family in her village has two cows today. They also sell milk to Sudha Dairy only.

Integrated dairy farming model
Image Credits: agricoop


Doubling the Profit through Dairy Farming

The cost of dairy farming to Savita Devi is about 83,000 rupees per year. Her annual income is one lakh twenty-four thousand rupees and makes a profit of forty-one thousand rupees annually. Savita Devi also gives training to the farmers of her area on silage methods and hydroponics techniques. The income of the Sijua village has doubled through dairy farming. Out of 50 families in the village, about 43 families have cross-bred cows. As of today, the village’s dairy farming earns Rs 17 lakh annually and agriculture earns Rs 23 lakh. KVK Banka has appreciated the achievements of Savita Devi in its training programs. Today she has become a role model for her fellow farmers, especially women farmers.

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