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Date farming : Hardworking farmer Sadularam Chaudhary accepted the challenge, grew dates in the ‘scorching sand’, became a role model

Also removed the problem of water and made the impossible possible


Barmer district of Rajasthan, where farming is like a challenge. Here the temperature reaches 51 degrees in summer and zero degrees in winter. People have to make arrangements for water after covering a distance of several kilometres. This district comes in the disaster affected areas. In this article, we are going to tell you about a farmer of Barmer district, who not only sow gold as a crop in his area facing water problem, but also adopted modern techniques of water system and water management.

Date farming : Hardworking farmer Sadularam Chaudhary accepted the challenge, grew dates in the 'scorching sand', became a role model

Water problem solved 

Sadularam Choudhary has dedicated his life to agriculture. Sadularam Chaudhary, who walks out of the box, has a different identity in the entire area. The nature and the weather did not change in Barmer, but Sadularam changed the way of farming with his hard work and dedication.

Sadularam Choudhary says that farming in his area is like putting your hand in a beehive. Earlier people did not practice agriculture there. Growing up in the desert, Sadularam had seen crops drying up due to lack of water since childhood. That is why Sadularam, who was always thinking something new, first decided to solve the problem of water.

A 40 feet open borewell was constructed. It took 50 men 15 days to build it. Water started coming, but it was still less. In such a situation, he started cultivating cumin and isabgol which needs less water. However, soon after, new challenges began to emerge. The pump would stop working every now and then. Due to the small pipe, the water could not reach long distances. For this, he worked hard day and night to make beds with the help of small pipes to bring water to the crop. 

Date farming : Hardworking farmer Sadularam Chaudhary accepted the challenge, grew dates in the 'scorching sand', became a role model
Date farming

Modern technology adopted 

With the passage of time, they have also been adopting the changing methods of farming. Sadularam Choudhary has also added modern technology to farming. In 1999 he bought his first tractor. His thinking behind this was that when hard work gets the support of technology, then the result will also be good. Sadularam Choudhary says that by joining hands with technology, his fields started getting better crops than before.

Date farming : Hardworking farmer Sadularam Chaudhary accepted the challenge, grew dates in the 'scorching sand', became a role model
Date farming

People refused, but still started palm farming 

If income increased due to good harvest, then confidence also increased. Sadularam Choudhary, who always thought out of the box, decided to try another new experiment in farming. This experiment was to cultivate dates in Barmer. When he told his other farmer companions about this experiment, everyone refused. By saying that the soil here is not fit for date palm cultivation. All the money will be lost. But Sadularam Choudhary had made up his mind.

With passion for farming impossible made possible  

Before him, no one had ever tried his hand at gardening. Sadularam also did not have complete information. For this, he reached Bhuj 500 km away and after taking full knowledge of horticulture, he started cultivating date palms. He planted palm trees on the lines of Kutch in Gujarat and he was the only farmer to do so. Date palm gardening had become his passion. Sadularam Choudhary says- 

“It was my passion that I have to make it a success in any case. Even if it takes 5 years and in the third year itself, I started getting fruits. 

Date farming : Hardworking farmer Sadularam Chaudhary accepted the challenge, grew dates in the 'scorching sand', became a role model
Date farming

Cultivates 10 varieties of dates 

In today’s date, Sadularam Choudhary is one of the farmers who made the date palm horticulture successful in Rajasthan. After this success, Sadularam planted different varieties of date palms. Year after year, he kept climbing the ladder of success. Today, he cultivates about 10 varieties of dates.

Also Read: These women farmers of Punjab run more than two thousand organic kitchen gardens, you can also start one

Built brand, prepared market 

He himself has prepared the date market. After packaging the dates, they sell it in the market. Their dates are sold in the market under the name of Seyol Date Farm.

Date farming : Hardworking farmer Sadularam Chaudhary accepted the challenge, grew dates in the 'scorching sand', became a role model
Date farming

An inspiration for farmers 

Sadularam, who started from barren land and made it fertile, is now recognized as a successful and progressive farmer. The farmers who earlier advised them to avoid gardening, today they come to take Guru mantra from them. In Barmer district itself, many farmers have planted palm orchards.

Along with dates, Sadularam also cultivates figs. His engineer son Chandra Prakash Chaudhary also helps him in this work. He has also been honoured with many honours and awards for his achievements. 

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