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Agri-Startups became strength of these women

These rural women of Bhubaneswar started many Agri-Startups together, made their mark


Someone has rightly said that there is a lot of power in unity and the women of Jaipurpatna village of Bhubaneswar have proved it to be true. Uniting, they formed a group and became self-sufficient by working from poultry farming to making sattu and set an example for others. How did these women grow their agri-startups? How did it start? Which agri-startups did you choose? Know in this article.

Group formed in the name of Dhauli Self Help Group 

On 15 July 2014, 12 women of Jaipurpatna village under Itipur Gram Panchayat of Bhubaneswar laid the foundation of Dhauli Self Help Group. Kaushalya Baral became the president of this group and Banbasini Mallik became the secretary.

Together they helped a lot in taking the group forward. Opened a joint savings account in the name of SHG. The savings provided the facility of internal lending within the group. This group is registered under the Indian Societies Act 1860.

Image Credit: krishivistar

Social welfare department came forward to help 

Impressed by the dedication and determination of the Dhauli Self Help Group, the Social Welfare Department came forward to help them. Gave them funding and helped them to start self-employment related activities.

The group set up a Sattu production unit in 2012 and since then the women are engaged in Sattu production. Apart from selling packed sattu, the group is also supplying sattu to 66 Anganwadi centers of 8 gram panchayats of Bhubaneswar under social security scheme. This is how the journey of Self Help Group’s agri business started. To increase the income of the group, she has also been provided with a large size vermicompost unit, from which she is earning profit. Vermicompost business is such an agri-startups in itself, which has the potential to provide self-employment opportunities to the youth and especially to the rural women.

Image Credit: thehindu

Poultry unit for additional income 

In 2016, Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) organized a training cum awareness camp in Jaipurpatna village. The poultry business was explained in this camp.

Image Credit: krishivistar

Initially, 5 women of Dhauli Self Help Group were given Vanraja breed chickens as an alternative to livelihood. These women decided to raise chickens together. Along with arranging a safe place for the chickens to live, he also got them vaccinated. Bought poultry feed for their food. 5 female beneficiaries bought 116 chicks of 28 days old. Out of this 6 died. He took good care of the remaining 110 chicks and later when 24 birds became 4 kg, he earned about Rs 12,000 by selling them. 30 hens lay eggs daily, which she sells at Rs.6 per egg.

In this way, the Dhauli Self Help Group also earns a profit of about one lakh rupees annually from poultry farming agri business. He plans to increase it further. Seeing the success of the group, other women of the area have also come forward to form self-help groups and start poultry farming for livelihood.

Image Credit: krishivistar

Specialty of Vanraja Chicken 

Vanaraja Chicken is a cross breed breed. It has been prepared by crossing the foreign breed of chickens RIR and indigenous breed Aseel. Vanaraja hen can lay more than 260 eggs in a year. Its chicks become up to three kg in four months.

Also Read: Why Osmanabadi Goat is considered better for meat production?

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