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Christmas Day: How can you earn well from Christmas Tree business?

Christmas tree can be cultivated even in barren land


Like all over the world, Christmas is celebrated in India with great enthusiasm, and the Christmas tree is the main thing when it comes to decorations on Christmas Celebration. Christmas Day is incomplete without it. During this festival, the demand for Christmas trees in the market also increases a lot. Today we will tell you how you can earn good profit from its cultivation.

Why to start Christmas Tree Farming Business? 

People who have farm or land and don’t know what to plant in barren land, then this business is suitable for them. This is one of those seasonal businesses that requires very little work and investment on your part. Another special thing is that in the first four years, the care of the tree does not take much time. Annual pruning helps give the trees the perfect shape that customers prefer. 

Christmas Tree Varieties 

Trees of the genus Abies are the most popular Christmas trees. It is a species related to cedar trees. These trees grow fast and the aroma and color of the leaves are also excellent. Along with this, these trees do not leave their pine needles.

People also like to grow the variety of Christmas tree ‘Virginia Pine’. In addition, Afghan pine, sand pine, and Arizona cypress are some other varieties.

Christmas Tree
Image credit: Indian Creek Christmas Tree Farm

How to cultivate and maintain the Christmas tree? 

It takes 8 to 12 years for a Christmas tree to grow into a tree about seven feet tall. The growth of trees depends on many other parameters including its variety, soil quality. February to May is the best time to plant trees. Avoid growing them on steep slopes. Soil erosion takes place in these places and water often flows away before reaching the roots. Keep the land free from any kind of weeds.

Soil and Water

Christmas trees can grow in any type of soil, but loamy soil is ideal. For this, the soil should always be moist.

The sunlight

Its young plants cannot tolerate high temperatures, so they should be planted in cooler climates.


Its plant does not require much fertilizer. Organic liquid fertilizer or other fertilizer can be used once or twice a year for the plant. Manure can also be used to increase nutrient levels.


Each tree should be pruned every summer after it reaches 3 to 5 years of age and about 5 feet in height. At the time of harvesting, keep in mind that the branches are dense and their correct shape is maintained.

Christmas Tree Business Profit 

Looking at the current market trends and business growth, the average sale of a Deodar sapling ranges from Rs.200 to Rs.400. A full grown deodar tree of 5 to 8 feet tall can be sold for around Rs.3000 to Rs.10000. If the tree is green and attractive, you can earn more money. You will get more customers by online marketing of the product and free delivery on the sites. You can sell Christmas trees to families, corporate organizations, churches, government institutions, landscapers, interior and exterior decoration companies.

Christmas Tree
Image credit: needpix

When do people put up a Christmas tree at home? 

According to tradition, a Christmas tree is put up in the house on Christmas Eve. It is lowered in the first week of January, immediately after the feast of Epiphany. Many people also put up the Christmas tree a few days before, because they start celebrating the Christmas festival 15 to 20 days before. People also plant the Christmas tree as an oxygen plant and decoration.

Also Read: Good income on barren land with Ashwagandha Cultivation

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