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Cultivation of Job’s Tears rich in calcium and protein is done in north-eastern states

Job's tears are used as food grains and fodder.


You all know about the cultivation of wheat, paddy, jowar, bajra, maize etc. Perhaps you must have eaten all these grains. But have you ever heard about Jobs’s Tears Cultivation. This name may be completely new to people from other places except the north-eastern states. It is cultivated especially in the north-eastern regions. Job’s Tears is a food grain crop like jowar or maize. Its grains are used for human food and the leaves are used as fodder.

This crop may not be very popular, but in terms of nutritional value, wheat is far ahead of maize. The amount of protein and calcium in it is more than wheat and maize. There are several species of Job’s Tears. Some of it is even wild. Soft seeded Job’s tears are commonly cultivated in the North-Eastern states. It is believed to have originated in both India and China. Apart from India, China, Job’s Tears is also cultivated in countries like Philippines, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Japan, Thailand etc.

Job's Tears
calcium north-eastern states. Image Credit: healthbenefitstimes

Job’s tears farming 

It is cultivated in Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Assam, Sikkim. It is grown as a single crop or mixed crop in parts of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur. For this, both the jhum or ladder farming method is suitable. It is grown extensively in the Siang district of Arunachal, hence there are many local varieties available here. The climate of the north-eastern states is suitable for good yield of Job’s tears.

Farming method, Climate and Soil 

It can be cultivated as a single or mixed crop in Kharif season. For its good crop the temperature should be 9.6 to 27.6 degree Celsius. The pH value of the soil should be between 4.5 to 8. It can also be cultivated in slope areas where rainfall is more. This crop is ready in 4-5 months. The crop yields 10-12 quintals per hectare and farmers sell it at Rs 50-60 per kg.

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Job's Tears
calcium north-eastern states. Image Credit: healthbenefitstimes

Uses of Job’s Tears 

This crop is rich in nutrients. Its seeds are used to make soup. Bread is made by grinding flour from the seeds. It can also be eaten cooked by making rice or khichdi with lentils. Also, its grains can be eaten after roasting. Apart from food, it also has other uses. Its leaves are soft, which is good fodder for animals. Its plant is very strong, so mats are made from it. It is also used in beer making and in the bakery industry. Its soft seeds are fed to chickens and the hard grains can be used to make ornamental items. That is, it is a multi-use crop, from which farmers can get good income.

There is a need to develop other varieties so that it can be cultivated in other parts of the country and people get nutritious food grains. This will benefit both farmers and common people. 

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