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Date Palm: Earning from one tree for 100 years, know from Abdul Rehman what is so special about dates

Abdul Rehman earns Rs 10 to 15 lakh annually from dates


Now farmers are doing new experiments along with cultivating traditional crops. The date palm is cultivated in Arab and African countries, because its plants need warm temperatures to grow and ripen the fruit. But this exotic fruit is being cultivated in many states of the country.

The cultivation of date palm requires warm temperature, so it is cultivated more in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Abdul Rahman, a progressive farmer of Jaipur, is not only earning lakhs from date palm cultivation, but he has also been honoured with many awards for doing successful farming in difficult conditions. Arpit Dubey, correspondent of Kisan of India spoke to Abdul Rehman and learned important things related to date palm cultivation.

A date palm plant gives fruit for 100 years 

Giving special information related to the date palm plant, Abdul Rahman said that once you plant a date palm, you can get fruits from it for 100 years. It takes many years for a plant to become a tree. Once the tree grows and starts bearing fruit, it gives you profits year after year. Abdul Rehman says that from a crop of 200 to 300 kg, he earns 10 to 15 lakh rupees annually.

date palm
Image Credit: ICAR

Honoured with many awards 

Abdul Rahman has set an example for other farmers by successful cultivation of dates. Appreciating his experiments and achievements in agriculture, he was honoured at Pusa Krishi Mela 2022. Apart from this, he has also received awards from the Government of Gujarat and then from the Government of Rajasthan in 2013.

date palm
Image Credit: ICAR

Date palm varieties 

There are many varieties of dates. The female species has 3 varieties Barhi, Khunji and Hilavi dates. The male species have Dhanami Mel and Madsarim dates. According to the different varieties of dates, it is cultivated and the time of fruiting is also different in each variety. The fruit of the date is very sweet and full of nutrients when ripe. Apart from eating it as a fruit, it is also used in juices, jams, chutneys, pickles and bakery products. 

Some important things related to date palm cultivation 

You need to have some patience in the cultivation of dates, as it takes many years to bear fruit. It takes at least 3 years for the plant to become a big tree and only after that it starts bearing fruits. He told that the date palm plant does not require a lot of water. Its roots need water, but it needs bright sunlight to ripen the fruit. Hence the climate of Rajasthan is suitable for its cultivation. A date tree bears fruit once a year.

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Once the fruit starts bearing, then you will start reaping the benefits, because dates are sold very expensive in the market and its demand is also very high. The special thing is that sandy land is suitable for its cultivation. Therefore, its cultivation is more in Rajasthan and its surrounding areas. 

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