Farmers can open their own Vegetable Outlet, Get all the related information from prosperous farmer Manjit Singh Saluja
Know who is Manjit Singh Saluja who started vegetable outlet with the idea of kitchen gardening
Manjit Singh Saluja has been doing many innovative experiments in farming. He started selling vegetables from a cart and then started a Vegetable Outlet. In conversation with Kisan of India, he talked to us on many aspects related to direct selling, vegetable outlets and farming.
Manjit Singh Saluja, a resident of Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh, has inherited his farming skills. Looking at his father, from the age of 20, he chose agriculture. From the very beginning, he had the urge to learn and apply new techniques related to farming. This longing has given him the title of a prosperous farmer today. He worked on many such subjects, adopted many such techniques which were seen with great curiosity in the field of agriculture. He has devoted more than three decades to farming and still this process continues unabated. In a special conversation with Kisan of India, Manjit Singh Saluja talked in detail about how farmers can do direct sale of their produce, with the help of which scheme, how farmers can get their produce directly to the customer’s plate. Also, shared many things about organic farming and chemical farming. The issue of zero budget natural farming vs chemical farming is huge. These two types of farming have different aspects. Manjit Singh Saluja, a recipient of the National Award in the field of agriculture, spoke openly to us on this issue and gave many insights.
Countless techniques used in farming
Manjit Singh Saluja explains that drip irrigation technology came to India in 1994. At that time this technology was completely new to India. He decided to use this technique. Manjit Singh started using this technology for the cultivation of vegetables, grains and fruits. He got the country’s first Open Field Automated Drip Irrigation System installed for vegetable cultivation at his Shikaritola farmhouse located in Rajnandgaon district. As time passed, he did many experiments like irrigation methods, fertilization options, sowing methods, changes in crop rotation. Manjit Singh says that earlier, where farmers used to depend on rain water for irrigation, many things changed due to the expansion of technology in the country. Flood Irrigation System came, then Irrigation Sprinkler System, Drip Irrigation System, Micro Drip Irrigation System, Net House and then Polyhouse Protective Cultivation was promoted through technology. Manjit Singh did not shy away from using many such techniques. With the passage of time, as new technology came, he adopted it.
What is Automated Drip Irrigation System?
In Automated Drip Irrigation System, all the information related to irrigation to sprinkling of fertilizer comes on mobile. Manjit Singh said that with the help of automated system, equal quantity of fertilizer stock solution reaches in every drop.
Cultivate many types of fruits and vegetables on a large scale
Manjit Singh Saluja has two farms, Shikaritola Farmhouse and Saluja Agriculture Farm. The total area of both the farms is about 82 acres. These include many vegetables and spices like Cucumber, Bitter gourd, Gourd, Pumpkin, Bhindi, Brinjal, Chilli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Green Peas, Cowpea, Cluster Bean, French Beans, Capsicum, Tomato, Cherry Tomato, Broccoli, Drum Stick, Ginger, Onion, Green Onion, coriander, mint, sweet corn, baby corn, turmeric are grown.
Many fruits are cultivated in fruits like papaya, banana, lemon, dragon fruit, sugarcane, strawberry, guava, apple plum, fig, mulberry, mango, watermelon. Apart from this, crops like rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, green gram, black gram, red gram, sesame are also cultivated in cereal crops.
Made himself self-reliant, ended dependence on the market
Manjit Singh does not sell these fruits and vegetables grown in his farm anywhere outside or in the market, but himself. He has an outlet in Rajnandgaon itself in the name of One Step Ahead- Saluja Unique Vegetable Store. Whatever they grow, they sell in this vegetable outlet only. His outlet is built near the farm itself. Manjit Singh told that if a customer asks to pluck fruits and vegetables directly from the farm, they break it and give them.
Outlet started with the idea of Kitchen Gardening
Manjit Singh started it on a small scale. After his father’s death in 2012, his wife Gurjit Singh Saluja supported him in farming. Gurjit Singh Saluja started the kitchen garden. The vegetables that were grown in the kitchen garden were distributed to relatives. Then the idea came in Manjit Singh Saluja’s mind why not sell these vegetables himself.
Manjit Singh says that he first prepared a list of 20 such vegetables, which can give good yield in a short time. In these vegetables, he made minimum use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. He named this concept as ‘Near To Nature’. He started cultivating leafy vegetables in kitchen gardening. Antiviral nets should be installed to protect against insects. Prepared vegetable nursery in nethouse for better yield.
Vegetables sold by handcart
Manjit Singh says that the first vegetable that was prepared in his kitchen garden was cucumber. He asked one of his colleagues to sell these cucumbers outside the farm itself. Within 15 minutes all the cucumbers were sold out. In this way people gradually started coming to his farm to buy vegetables. Then he started selling vegetables on a small scale outside the farm itself. According to the demand of the customers, he started cultivating many fruits and vegetables.
Outlet constructed by taking advantage of subsidy
By 2013, the number of customers started increasing so much that he got a shed built outside his farm. Then he contacted the Horticulture Department of his area and came to know about the scheme related to opening of Vegetable Outlet. They came to know that for the construction of such outlets, a subsidy of 35% is given on the project cost of 15 lakhs. Taking advantage of this subsidy, he started the outlet in 2014.
Every year from 1st April to 15th June the outlet remains closed
For the convenience of the customers, he has also created a WhatsApp group. In this group, the customers are given information about the prices and availability of the products. Manjit Singh further told that there are some rules of his outlet, such as goods are given only at the fixed price. Self service for pick up and don’t use plastic carry bags to carry things. His Vegetable Outlet is closed from 1st April to 15th June every year. Manjit Singh says that just as the human body needs rest, the earth also needs rest. This is how they prepare their land for the coming year to maintain quality and healthy produce.
Workers made their working partner
Manjit Singh says that there was a time when he had to face the problem of labour. Despite increasing the wages, no solution was found. Then he decided to make the people working here as his working partner. Under this Working Partner Policy, for growing vegetables worth Rs 100, Rs 25 would go to the worker’s pocket. Manjit Singh took the responsibility of the availability of fertilizers, seeds, water, and electricity on himself. Manjit Singh told that today there are some workers of his farm who have been working with him for last several years. Today more than 150 colleagues work with him.
Advice to the farmers- “Don’t exploit and also not to get exploited”
While advising the future farmers, Manjit Singh says that farming is a sign of patience, determination, hard work and passion. “Don’t exploit and also not to get exploited either”, Manjit Singh said that if you are exploiting someone then you are like a murderer and if you are being exploited then it is like committing suicide. So as a farmer you should keep your eyes open. Manjit Singh further says that if agriculture goes in loss for four years, then in the fifth year it has given so much profit that last four years losses have been compensated.
What is Retail Outlet Scheme?
Manjit Singh says that there is a retail outlet scheme of government to open Retail Vegetable Outlet. Many farmers are taking advantage of this scheme. Small farmers can also take advantage of this scheme by forming a group. Giving example, Manjit Singh says that the farmers of the group should decide among themselves which farmer will grow which vegetable. It is best to fix everyone’s responsibility, who will grow tomatoes, who will grow pumpkins and who will grow onions. If you are thinking of opening an outlet, then you cannot run the outlet by keeping only one vegetable. The more options you have in your outlet, more customers will come to you. Manjit Singh said that this scheme is very beneficial for women’s help groups. Under this scheme, a subsidy of 35 percent is given for setting up the outlet, subject to a maximum limit of Rs 15 lakh. You can contact the Horticulture Department of your area to get information about this. You can also get information from the NABARD office of your district. Apart from this, you can get information by visiting the nearest Common Service Centers.
Why Manjit Singh says organic farming is not right for India?
Regarding organic farming, Manjit Singh Saluja bluntly says that he has not been in favour of it. They believe that perhaps organic farming is not right for India. They say that organic products are sold at 25% more cost than inorganic products. They say that most of the population in our country is of such people who are not able to spend so much money. Whenever such people go to the market, they do not ask whether vegetable is organic or not, they buy it directly. Manjit Singh says that it is therefore important that the farmers be informed about the correct use of fertilizers. Each fertilizer has a fixed amount to be used. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce overuse of fertilizers. It is the responsibility of agricultural scientists, agricultural organizations to make farmers aware about the guidelines made by the government regarding the use of fertilizers.
Lack of knowledge about chemical use?
Manjit Singh said that if the farmers follow the fertilizer use guidelines set by the government then there will be no harm. Soil will also be healthy and people’s health too. Manjit Singh says that if someone gives nitrogen to a plant in the form of cow dung or manure, then that nitrogen will also first convert into nitrate form. Somewhere this is also chemical-rich farming. He says that he has had a debate with Subhash Palekar, who is called the father of natural farming, on this subject.
He explains that there is a certain limit to effect of every fertilizer and medicine. If the effective limit of a drug is 3 months, then you should apply it at a time when you know that the plant will not bear fruit before three months. If fruits come in these three months, then do not use those fruits or give them further. Here farmers also need to fix their responsibility.
Government allows buying and selling, institutions and scientists should play their role
Manjit Singh says that a plant takes as much of the nutrients it needs. If a farmer applies 600 grams of fertilizer, the plant will take only 100 grams. The rest of the soil will absorb. Doing so will surely have a bad effect on the fertility of the soil. At the same time, some fertilizers will get into the underground water through the soil. Its consumption will also affect human health. For this, it is very important to educate the farmers about the use of insecticides and fertilizers. Manjit Singh says that when the government is selling and licensing the use of fertilizers, it is the responsibility of scientists to inform the farmers about its proper use. For this you can form groups of five farmers from each block. Run project trials of the use of pesticides and fertilizers in their fields. Keep track of every process from sowing to harvesting. If the farmer sees the results, then he will use insecticide and fertilizer properly and will motivate other farmers for the same.
Honoured with many awards
In 2013, he was awarded the ‘Krishi Samrat Samman’ for the West Zone at an event organized by Mahindra Agri Tech. In 2013 itself, he was honoured by the Punjab Agriculture Department with the award of ‘Innovative Farmer’. In 2014, he received the award of ‘Best Farmer of Chhattisgarh in Horticulture’ at an Agriculture Fair organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Government of Maharashtra at CICR Nagpur under the name ‘Krishi Vasant’. In addition, Manjit Singh Saluja is an active member of National Horticulture Mission and Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) of Chhattisgarh’s Rajnandgaon district. They share their experiences with other farmers and agriculture officials in the programs organized by these institutions and give information about the nuances of farming.
Contact us: If farmers want to share information or experiences related to farming with us, then they can do this by calling us on the phone number 9599273766 or by writing an email to or by sending your recording. Through Kisan of India, we will convey your message to the people, because we believe that if the farmers are advanced then the country is happy.