Greater Yam Farming: Why is it beneficial for farmers to cultivate Yam in Summer?
Yam is a tuber crop, know the complete method of yam cultivation.
Yam cultivation | Many people consider yam a sweet potato but not a sweet potato. It is called Greater Yam in English. It is also known by different names like Kathalu, Katalu, Tardi, Dregal, Chopri Aloo, and Chopri Aal at different places. Ingredients like protein, vitamins, and minerals are abundant in yam. That’s why it is considered a medicine in Ayurveda.
Its use is beneficial in diseases like diabetes, thyroid, piles, and cancer. Yam leaves look like betel leaves. Its plant spreads like a creeper. The pulp of yam is white or purple in color. Let us know what kind of climate and soil suit yam cultivation.
Soil and Climate for Yam Cultivation
A hot and humid climate is considered good for yam. The crop grows well in 28 to 35-degree temperatures. Yam cannot be cultivated in areas with extreme cold or frost. Sandy loam soil is best for a good yam crop. It is necessary to have a proper drainage system in the soil. Otherwise, there is a possibility of rotting of its tubers.
Field preparation for Yam Cultivation
Before sowing, do 3-4 deep plowing of the field and add about 200 quintals of well decomposed cow dung, 100 kg potash and 60 kg phosphorus per hectare. Make pits of size 45*45*45 cm for sowing. Keep a distance of 1.5 between the pits. Fill these pits with 2.5 kg FYM and top soil. The upper part of the tuber is most suitable for yam seeds. It is planted as a seed. About 20-30 quintals of seeds are required in one hectare. Do irrigation after sowing. After that irrigate at an interval of 10-15 days according to the moisture content of the field. Yam because it spreads like a vine. That’s why its plants are offered on thick bamboo poles. This process is called stacking. By doing this the plants get enough sunlight.
Weed Control is necessary in Yam Cultivation
Weed control is necessary for good growth of yam crop. This is because weeds grow more in it. For this, do the first weeding after one week of germination up to 50% of the crop. While second weeding should be done after one month. If the tubers come out due to rain, they have to be covered with soil again. Due to this, the fertile soil destroyed due to rain is also conserved.
Harvest the Crop
Yam crop is ready only after about 8-9 months of sowing. These are tubers, so they are extracted from under the ground by digging. When a large number of leaves turn yellow, the tubers are removed by careful digging. Generally, up to 300-400 quintals of crop is obtained from yam cultivation in one hectare.
Farmers can earn profit from the advanced cultivation of yam. Along with this, its consumption will also give adequate nutrition to him and his family. As far as the cost is concerned, the cost of cultivating one hectare ranges from about 70 thousand to 1 lakh.
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