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How wheat sowing with super seeder is beneficial?

The Super Seeder machine does the work of ploughing, sowing, mulching and spreading manure simultaneously. Get rid of stubble and reduce the cost.


After paddy, farmers have to sow wheat in the field. Due to no solution for paddy stubble, they have to be burnt. Despite the legal ban on stubble burning, there has been no reduction in stubble burning due to lack of proper alternatives. By burning stubble, the soil of the field is deprived of the important nutrients found in these residues. Agricultural scientists are advising farmers to sow wheat with super seeder after paddy harvesting so that farmers do not burn stubble and sow their fields on time.

BP Shahi, head of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh, told that to get rid of this problem, the super seeder machine is like a boon. By using this machine, there is no need to burn the paddy residue spread in the field after harvesting the paddy. Paddy stubble is cut into the ground with a super seeder and sown for the next crop. Apart from this, the health of the soil is also improved and the cost of fertilizers is also reduced.

Sowing of seeds and field ready at once 

Dr. BP Shahi told that sowing of seeds and preparation of land is done well simultaneously with Super Seeder. This machine is a combination of seed planter and rotary tiller, which comes with press wheels. Seeds including wheat can be sown with Super Seeder. It is used for removing the roots and stalks of cotton, banana, paddy, sugarcane, maize etc. Super Seeder prevents the burning of agricultural residues and meets today’s agricultural needs. Apart from this, it also has a direct monitoring system to change the varieties of seeds and reduce the wastage of seeds. You can use it easily as it is easy to use. Apart from this, the Super Seeder machine does the work of ploughing, sowing, mulching and spreading manure simultaneously.

Super Seeder

Get rid of the problem of stubble 

Dr. Shahi said that with the Super Seeder machine, farmers do not need to repeatedly plow the field for sowing wheat after harvesting paddy, nor do they need to burn the stubble. Equipped with super seeder, rotavator, roller and fertilizer drill. Super seeder is capable of plowing 12 to 18 inches of standing stubble from the tractor. The rotavator does the work of burying the stubble, leveling roller and fertilizer drill for sowing the seeds.

Dr. BP Shahi further explains that farmers are sowing wheat in straight line with Super Seeder without ploughing. The plants will benefit from the fertilizers given at the time of sowing. By sowing with this method, farmers can get more production with less cost.

super seeder

Increase in production 

Due to high moisture in canal irrigated areas after harvesting of long duration species of paddy, there is delay in preparing the field by plowing and sowing, which also reduces the production. Dr. Shahi said that after harvesting the paddy crop, sowing in rows without tillage in the standing stubble costs less. Also one and a half times more production is obtained. Sowing in fallow fields will save irrigation water and reduce weeds. While sowing in row, the seed falls at a certain depth at regular intervals. 40 kg wheat seed and 50 kg DAP is required for one acre.

Proper placement of fertilizers and seeds in the line is done by this machine. Hence production increases. Sowing is done at a depth of five centimetres. That’s why root development is good. In the month of February, when hot wind blows, the crop does not fall due to irrigation, not only this, the crop can be easily sown in the line. Better production can be achieved by reducing the cost by Rs 4,000 per hectare. Also sowing of wheat gives less time and less expenditure as well as more production.

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