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Mango cultivation can give profit to farmers, but How?

Before practicing mango cultivation, she was forced to sell mangoes in village at the rate of 7 to 8 rupees per kg


In the area from where women farmer Taravati comes, 20 to 25 percent of the mango crop is damaged because of frequent storms. Due to this, the farmers of the area cultivating mango have to face heavy losses.

Responsibility of the family, taking care of the whole house and then going to the farm and barn and helping her husband. A woman farmer of the country not only takes care of her household, but also gives her full hand in the agriculture sector. According to the Economic Survey 2017-18, as men moved to urban areas in search of work, the participation of women in agriculture as farmers, entrepreneurs and agricultural labourers increased.

Mango cultivation
Image Credit: Quora

There was a huge loss due to the destruction of the mango crop 

We are going to mention one such woman in this article. The family of Taravati Saini, a resident of Hasanganj block of Unnao district of Uttar Pradesh, cultivates mangoes. They have only 0.1 hectare of land for cultivation. During mango season, 20 to 25 percent of the mango crop in their area is destroyed due to storms. This causes huge losses to the farmers cultivating mangoes.

Taravati Saini’s family was also troubled by the weather till 2008. She earned an annual income of about three to four thousand from mango cultivation. They were forced to sell their produce at the rate of Rs 7-8 per kg in the village itself. There was not enough income from animal husbandry. It was difficult to meet the expenses of the family.

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Processing started on the advice of Krishi Vigyan Kendra 

Taravati Saini herself took the initiative to deal with the loss in mango cultivation. She reached Unnao’s Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) and District Agriculture Department. The scientists here advised her to do food processing. In food processing, raw materials of food are processed and sold. Processed food has a longer shelf life. For example, many products like pickle, sauce, candy, juice, ice cream, mango papad can be made from mango.

Trainings related to this were given to them. In 2009, Taravati was selected as a participating woman farmer under the “Empowerment of rural women through value addition of Mango fruit” project.

Mango cultivation
Image Credit: department of agriculture and farmers welfare

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Krishi Vigyan Kendra gives full co-operation

After taking training, Taravati started processing mangoes on her own. There was a problem of lack of resources and less land. Krishi Vigyan Kendra helped her in all respects. Krishi Vigyan Kendra took care of the processing, packaging and labelling with very low charges. 

Annual profit reached about 65 thousand 

By processing mangoes, Taravati and her family earn a profit of about 60 thousand to 65 thousand rupees a year. About 37 quintals of raw mangoes are processed and Taravati prepares pickles, powders and slices. The products prepared by processing mangoes are packaged in bottles of 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg and 5 kg.

They are made according to the demand in the market. From processing to marketing of the products, Taravati’s entire family helps her. Inspired by this success of Taravati, many women of the area are making good income by joining processing. With this, she is not dependent on anyone and is able to bear her own expenses. 

Cost vs Profit 

One kg of mango pickle preparation cost Rs.48 whereas one kg of mango pickle is sold in the market for Rs 85. In this way, Taravati gets a direct profit of about 55 thousand from mango pickle. 

It costs Rs 100 to make mango powder per kg, which is sold in the market for Rs 180. In this way, she earns a profit of about 6 thousand rupees on mango powder annually. 

It costs Rs 50 per kg to prepare mango slices, it gets a price of Rs 110 per kg in the market. With this, Taravati earns a profit of about five thousand.

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