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Strawberry Farming: Abdul Ahad Mir is earning well by making his village ‘Strawberry Village’

Increase in the income of farmers with small holdings.


Strawberry Farming | Strawberry, this exotic fruit, has become very popular in India in the last few years and is also widely cultivated. Strawberries are in great demand in the market and are also expensive. Many farmers across the country are earning a good income by cultivating strawberries.

Strawberry farming is an excellent option to earn more profit in less time. Strawberry farming changed the fortunes of Abdul Ahad Mir, a farmer living in Jammu and Kashmir, and his entire village.

Changed life of farmers with small holdings

Abdul Ahad Mir is a resident of Vanihama village in Jammu and Kashmir. Most of the farmers in this hill village deprived of facilities need more land for cultivation. Most of the farmers here have small holdings. They had no idea that nature had gifted them such a climate where valuable exotic fruits could be cultivated.

Abdul Ahad Mir was always looking for new ways to increase his income. He met the Horticulture Officer working under the Technology Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture in North Eastern States and Hill States in 2004. He advised Abdul to take up strawberry cultivation as the climate and soil of his village were perfect for its cultivation. Not only this, but the Horticulture Officer also provided them with all the materials required for cultivation.

Strawberry Farming
Image Credit: Department of Agriculture & Cooperation and Farmers Welfare

Beginning with the Chandler variety

In 2004, Abdul planted a Chandler variety of strawberries as an experiment in only one field canal. He grew it in a polyhouse under protected cultivation. Due to good production the first time, he earned Rs.55 thousand. Encouraged by this, Abdul next planted strawberries in the 8 Kanal areas. This earned him an income of 4.4 lakhs. After the success of strawberry cultivation, Abdul educated his fellow farmers about its cultivation and inspired them to plant this new crop. His efforts got a good response, and other farmers started cultivating it. Due to this, soon the financial crisis of the farmers of this village was removed and now this village is also known as ‘Strawberry Village’.

A variety developed in Chandler, California. The Chandler variety is planted in mid-October. Their fruits are obtained from January to April. Its fruit is attractive and the skin is delicate.

Strawberry Farming
Image Credit: Department of Agriculture & Cooperation and Farmers Welfare

How to do Strawberry farming?

Strawberry is cultivated only in cold areas. That’s why it is already being cultivated in the high altitude areas of Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Now thanks to protected cultivation or polyhouse, strawberry cultivation is being done successfully in many other states. For a good crop of strawberries, a temperature of 20 to 30 degrees is necessary. Higher temperatures cause damage to plants. Strawberry is generally sown in September-October, but in hilly areas it is sown only in February-March. It is planted in beds. About 30 plants should be planted in a row. Fruits start coming only after one and a half month of transplanting the plants and fruits keep coming for about 4 months, but it should be plucked only when its color becomes more than half red.

Also Read: Strawberry Farming: Bashir Dange is earning good profit with new technology

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