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Tissue culture technique increased yield and fertile land, know how Madhya Pradesh farmer Upendra got success

Do you know this information about plants prepared by tissue culture technique?


Several steps have been taken to improve the production of cereals, fruits and vegetables. Many advanced farming techniques have been developed regarding how to increase the quality as well as productivity. One of these techniques is tissue culture. By adopting these techniques, you can increase your production, as well as make good profits by improving the quality of your product. How does this technique work in banana cultivation? In what way is it beneficial? How much does it cost to use this technology? How much profit can farmers earn? Know about all these in this article.

Tissue culture technique adopted instead of traditional method 

Upendra Gadre, a resident of Harda district of Madhya Pradesh, cultivates banana from tissue culture itself. Earlier they were not aware of this technology. When he came to know about the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, he decided to grow bananas from tissue culture plants instead of the traditional rhizomes.

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Fertile land. Image Credit: ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana

Plants prepared with tissue culture technology are better 

Upendra Gadre hails from Timarni area of ​​Harda district. Most of the farmers here depend on soybean and wheat crops. This was also the concern of these farmers that it is not beneficial to depend on only these two crops. To solve this problem, Upendra, a graduate in Agriculture, started looking for alternatives. He found this alternative solution in the form of tissue culture techniques. When he started the cultivation of banana with tissue culture technique, it gave good results. Plants were found to be better in size, quality and other genetic traits. Although it costs a little more than the cultivation done by rhizomes, but they give higher returns.

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Fertile land. Image Credit: apaari

Know how much is the cost and profit? 

Upendra Gadre planted 4 thousand banana saplings at a distance of 1.5×1.5 meters per hectare. In the first two years, the cost of cultivation came to about two lakh 40 thousand rupees. The yield was 650 quintals per hectare in the first year and 600 quintals in the second year. Due to this he earned an income of about 6 lakh 25 thousand rupees. In this way he saved about one lakh 92 thousand per year.

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Fertile land. Image Credit: plutusfarming

Many benefits of cultivating bananas through tissue culture 

He used drip irrigation method instead of flood irrigation in banana cultivation. This saves money as well as labour. Upendra Gadre also told many benefits of tissue culture. He told that the cultivation of banana with tissue culture made the soil friable. In addition, the water absorbing capacity of the soil also improved. Upendra told that after four years of banana cultivation, he planted wheat and soybean crops in a banana field. He also got good results for this. Upendra says that tissue culture techniques in banana cultivation are important to improve the livelihood of his area.

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Fertile land: Image Credit: ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana

Plants grown from tissue culture are healthy and disease free 

All plants have same type of growth, that is, all plants have same size.

  • Plants prepared by tissue culture method start fruiting 60 days earlier as compared to rhizomes. 
  • According to the Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, an increase of up to 18 percent has been recorded in the production of bananas with tissue culture techniques. 
  • In this method, the banana crop is ready for harvesting in 13-15 months. Whereas plants prepared from traditional rhizomes get the first crop after 16 to 17 months.
  • After harvesting the first crop, the second crop comes in 8 to 10 months. In this way two banana yields are obtained within 24 months.
  • In tissue culture, one banana plant gives an average yield of 13 kg.

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What is tissue culture method? 

In tissue culture method, a small piece of root, leaf or stem of any plant is taken and placed in a glass bottle. These plants are then prepared under the influence of various hormones. At the beginning of this method the plants are kept inside the bottle itself. These are then prepared in polyhouses. Only after that they are planted.

With the help of this technology, the existence of good species can be saved, as well as thousands of plants can be made in a limited time. With the help of this method, plants can be prepared even without season.

This technique can be used to grow a variety of horticultural crops. For more information about this technology, you can contact your nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra. 

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