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Backyard Poultry Farming changed her life forever

Pushpa used to do agricultural labour once, this advanced breed of chicken became a means of earning


Backyard Poultry farming is an excellent source of additional income in rural areas. Usually people keep chickens in the courtyard or back of the house, which does not cost anything extra. It is a good way to increase income at low cost, but for high profits it is necessary to know the best variety of chicken. Which chicken is suitable for backyard poultry farming? What is the specialty? How is the market? You will read about all these in this article. 

Chiliveri Pushpa, an agricultural labourer from Yadadri-Bhongir district of Telangana, not only improved her livelihood by rearing backyard poultry, but also made herself self-reliant.

Rajshree variety of chickens provided 

Hailing from the village of Penchkal Pahar, Pushpa’s family is dependent on daily wages. She herself worked as an agricultural labourer. Seeing her hard work and dedication, a local veterinarian selected her for the Backyard Poultry Unit scheme under the National Livestock Mission. Under this scheme, 45 hens of Rajshree variety were provided to them in two batches in the ratio of 15 males and 30 females. 

Improvement in economic condition with backyard poultry farming

She took special care of the chickens by the methods given by the scientists. Soon her poultry business began to flourish. She started selling at the rate of 8 to 10 rupees per egg and 600 rupees per bird. Apart from the sale, her family also got good nutrition by consuming eggs and meat. Encouraged by the profits from the poultry business, Pushpa and her family also worked on breeding. Increase the number of fertile eggs. At present, she has 100 chickens in her backyard poultry unit, but she plans to increase the number for additional income.

Backyard Poultry Farming
Image Credit: krishivistar

Specialties of Rajshree Variety 

Rajshree variety has been specially developed for rural areas. This variety is said to be suitable for backyard poultry farming. Hyderabad based Shri P.V. Narasimha Rao from Telangana State University for Veterinary, Animal and Fishery Sciences, (SPVNRTSUVAS) has developed it.

Rajshri variety of chicken is less susceptible to diseases as compared to other chickens. They are colourful, capable of self-breeding and have a good body structure. A hen lays 150 eggs in a year and at the age of 18 weeks, their body weight reaches about 1.5 kg. These breeds start laying eggs in 5 to 6 months. It looks like a desi chicken. Therefore, it is sold for twice the price of broilers. Also, its eggs are also brown in colour, which are sold more expensive than white eggs. That is, by cultivating this variety, farmers can earn a good profit.

Backyard Poultry Farming
Image Credit: indiamart

Backyard Poultry Farming is Economical 

Usually in poultry business, 70 percent of the total cost is spent on the feed of chickens, but if you are doing backyard poultry farming then chickens eat insects, leftover food, grains etc., on which No extra cost. Also, there is no need to make any separate arrangement for their stay. Yes, if someone is doing poultry farming on a commercial scale, then he will have to make additional arrangements for the food of the chickens and also have to build a shed to live in. 

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