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COP28 In Dubai Has Indirect Effect On Agriculture In India

COP 28 in Dubai presents India with a unique opportunity to address the challenges faced by the agriculture sector due to climate change


COP28, the 28th edition of the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, is started in Dubai. This significant event brings together countries from around the world to discuss and find solutions to combat climate change. The conference will undoubtedly have a profound impact on various sectors, including agriculture in India. 

Image Credit: PM Narendra Modi Twitter


India, being an agrarian economy, heavily depends on its agricultural sector for food security and livelihoods. However, the effects of climate change are posing significant challenges to this sector. COP28 provided an opportunity for Indian policymakers, experts, and stakeholders to discuss and seek solutions to address these challenges. 

How COP28 will benefit Agriculture in India? 

India is one of the world’s largest agricultural producers, with agriculture accounting for a significant portion of the country’s economy. However, the sector faces numerous challenges, including climate change. The changing climate patterns, unpredictable rainfall, and extreme weather events have all affected agricultural productivity in India.

The  conference provides an opportunity for India to address these challenges and find sustainable solutions. The discussions and negotiations taking place during the conference will shape the global response to climate change, and it is crucial for India to play an active role in creating policies that promote sustainable agriculture.

Image Credit: Narendra Modi Twitter

Water management in Agriculture 

One of the key aspects that India needs to address is water management in agriculture. As climate change leads to more frequent and prolonged droughts, water scarcity becomes a significant issue for farmers. Implementing efficient irrigation techniques, promoting the use of drip irrigation, and encouraging the adoption of drought-resistant crop varieties can all help tackle this problem. Additionally, investing in water conservation and storage infrastructure can ensure farmers have access to water even during droughts. 


Climate-smart agriculture practices 

Another area of focus for India in COP28 should be the promotion of climate-smart agriculture practices. These practices involve using sustainable farming techniques that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance carbon sequestration, and improve resilience to climate change. This includes adopting agroforestry practices, using organic fertilizers, and promoting crop rotation and cover cropping.

Furthermore, the conference provides an opportunity for India to collaborate with other countries and learn from their experiences in sustainable agriculture. Sharing best practices, knowledge, and technology can help India make significant progress in mitigating the impacts of climate change on the agriculture sector. 

Promote small-scale farmers interests 

It is also essential for India to ensure the inclusion of small-scale farmers and promote their interests in COP28. These farmers form the backbone of India’s agricultural sector and are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Smallholder farmers often face significant challenges in adapting to climate change, and their voices need to be heard during the conference.

By ensuring their voices are heard and their unique needs are met, India can create a more inclusive and equitable agricultural system that is resilient to climate change. Empowering small-scale farmers with access to financial resources, technology, and knowledge can help them adopt sustainable agricultural practices and build resilience against climate change. 

Image Credit: Union of concerned scientists

What India should do ? 

The Indian government must actively engage in negotiations during the conference to ensure that the agriculture sector is considered a priority in global climate change initiatives. This includes advocating for increased funding and support for sustainable agriculture practices, as well as highlighting the specific challenges faced by Indian farmers.

Additionally, India should take this opportunity to showcase its own initiatives and success stories in sustainable agriculture. By sharing its experiences and showcasing the positive outcomes of adopting climate-smart farming techniques, India can inspire other countries to follow suit. 

Furthermore, it provides a platform for India to forge partnerships and collaborations with other countries, organizations, and experts in the field of sustainable agriculture. By leveraging these partnerships, India can access technological advancements, research findings, and funding opportunities that can further enhance the resilience of its agriculture sector. 

The discussions and decisions made during the conference will shape the policies and actions of countries worldwide, making it crucial for India to assert its position and prioritize the needs of its farmers. Through collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity, India can make significant progress in building a more resilient and sustainable agriculture sector that can withstand the impacts of a changing climate.

Also Read: Organic Fertilizer : How Ranjit Singh choose the path of Organic Fertilizers?

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