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Harvesting and Storing Pumpkin and Winter Squash

Tips for Harvest and Postharvest of Pumpkin


Winter squash and pumpkins, with their hard shells and firm flesh, are among the most rewarding crops to grow in the home garden. Not only do they offer a bountiful harvest, but they also store well, providing a long-lasting supply of nutritious food. Here’s a guide on how to harvest and store these wonderful vegetables.

Harvesting Winter Squash and Pumpkins

The first step in harvesting winter squash and pumpkins is determining when they are ripe. This is usually when the skin has hardened and the color has deepened. For most varieties, this will be when the skin is too tough to be pierced with a fingernail. Additionally, the stem will become dry and corky.

When harvesting, cut the squash or pumpkin from the vine using a sharp knife or pruners, leaving a few inches of stem attached. This helps to prevent rot and extends the storage life. Be careful not to damage the skin, as any cuts or bruises can invite disease and reduce storage life.

Curing Winter Squash and Pumpkins

After harvesting, winter squash and pumpkins should be cured. Curing involves leaving the squash in a warm (about 80-85°F), well-ventilated area for 10-14 days. This process hardens the skin further and heals any minor cuts or bruises, which helps to prolong storage life.

Storing Winter Squash and Pumpkins

Once cured, winter squash and pumpkins should be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Ideal storage temperatures are between 50-55°F. Avoid storing squash directly on concrete floors, as this can promote rot. Instead, use a rack or shelf to allow air circulation.

Regularly check your stored squash and pumpkins for signs of rot or disease. Remove and use any that show signs of deterioration.

Enjoying Your Harvest

Winter squash and pumpkins are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. They can be roasted, mashed, used in soups and stews, or baked into pies and breads. Their sweet, nutty flavor is a welcome addition to many fall and winter dishes.

By properly harvesting, curing, and storing your winter squash and pumpkins, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor for many months to come.

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