Agriculture and Farming Technology Updates

Agriculture Machinery App: know everything about this App

Additional source of income with Agriculture Machinery App



Agricultural scientists have been developing many apps to make farming easier. Let us tell you how this Agriculture Machinery App works for farmers having agricultural machinery.

The agriculture sector is changing rapidly. Farmers are adopting advanced methods of farming. The impact of technology and digitalization can be clearly seen on agriculture as well. Farmers are adopting this change and making their farming easy. With the aim of promoting agriculture with modern technology, the scientists of the country have been developing apps. The purpose of these apps is to provide such information to the farmers, so that they can improve their farming and get good profits. In this article, we are going to tell you about one such latest mobile app. If you have agricultural machinery then this app is of use for you. Know all about Agriculture Machinery App.

Additional source of income 

The name of this app is Agriculture Machinery Rent Calculator. This app has been developed by ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna, Indian Council of Agricultural Research. This app will help the farmers to fix the rent price of agricultural machinery. That is, they will give information about the rate at which they should rent their machine. Farmers can earn extra income by renting out their agricultural machinery.

Agriculture machinery app
Image Credit: zeebiz

How Agriculture Machinery Rent Calculator App Works?

You will easily find Agriculture Machinery App in Google Play Store. Name of this app in play store is Agricultural Machinery Rent Calculator. It is easy to download. Enter name in the search box and install it. It will not ask you for any registration or phone number. Once downloaded, a window will open in front of you. It will be written in it, calculate the amount of renting the machine. Below you have to fill the details of your machine.

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Agriculture machinery app
Image Credit: ICAR RCER, Patna

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Machine Category Tractor, Power Tiller, Rotavator, Cultivator, Tread Plow (3 Tawa), Power Harrow, Tread Harrow (Disc Harrow), Sub Soiler, Zero Seed-Fertilizer Drill, Seed-Fertilizer Drill, Happy Seeder, Super Seeder, Potato Sowing Machine (2 Rows), Raised Bed Planter, Paddy Planter Rice Transplanter (Self Propelled, Riding Type or Manned 4 Rows), Sugarcane Planter, Rotary Mulcher, Straw Baler, Straw Reaper, Reaper (Manual Guided, Tractor Powered), Reaper Binder (Self Propelled), Power Thresher, Potato Digging Machine, Brush Cutter, Knapsack Sprayer (Battery Operated), Boom Sprayer, Diesel Pump Set, Post Hole Digger, Power Weeder (Petrol Operated), Laser Leveller, Kono Weeder And there are alternatives to machines like the cage wheel.

Take a note of these things 

After selecting your machine, enter the other details asked such as the price of the machine, interest rate, fuel consumption (Litre/Hour) and fuel rate (Rs/Litre). Then click on the ‘Calculate’ box. On clicking, the details of the total operating cost per hour will be displayed to you. Make sure to fill the details like cost of machine, fuel consumption, and fuel price accurately for better results.

Contact us: If farmers want to share information or experiences related to farming with us, then they can do this by calling us on the phone number 9599273766 or by writing an email to or by sending your recording. Through Kisan of India, we will convey your message to the people, because we believe that if the farmers are advanced then the country is happy.

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