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Capsicum Cultivation: Advanced varieties give yield thrice a year

Year round earning from improved varieties of capsicum


Capsicum is such a vegetable whose demand has increased a lot in the recent past. Chinese cuisine is incomplete without capsicum. Apart from this, people also like to eat capsicum as a salad. It is rich in Vitamin C, A, and Beta Carotene. That’s why people include it in some form or the other in their diet. Considering the increasing demand for capsicum, it can prove to be a profitable deal for the farmers. The country’s scientists have been developing improved varieties of capsicum so that the farmers get more profit.

Capsicum Cultivation
Image Credit: agrifarming

In our country, capsicum has been cultivated for a long time in Haryana, Punjab, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka, but now it is being cultivated all over India. Capsicum is mainly green, red, and yellow in colour. If you are also thinking of cultivating capsicum, then it is important to know about some of its advanced varieties.

Improved Varieties of Capsicum 

Bombay (Red Capsicum) – This variety of capsicum gets ready quickly. Its plants are tall, and strong while the branches are spread. This variety grows well in shady places. Initially, the colour of this chilli is dark green, but after ripening, it turns red. Its specialty is that it does not spoil quickly.

Capsicum Cultivation
Image Credit: mpkrishi

Orobel (Yellow Capsicum) – This variety of capsicum grows well in the cool climate. The colour of its fruits turns yellow after ripening, and its weight is about 150 grams. This variety does not catch diseases quickly, and this variety can be developed both in the greenhouse and open field.

Capsicum Cultivation
Image Credit: mpkrishi

Also Read: Why Capsicum Cultivation trend of farmers increasing?

Arka Gaurav – This variety of capsicum leaves is yellow and green, and the fruit is thick pulp. The average weight of one fruit ranges from 130-150 grams. After ripening, the colour of the fruit becomes orange or light yellow. This variety gets ready in 150 days and the average production per hectare is 16 tonnes.

Capsicum Cultivation
Image Credit: ICAR-IIHR

Yellow Wonder – The plants of this variety of capsicum are of medium height and the leaves are broad. Its fruits are of dark green colour, on which there are 3-4 bulges. The average yield potential is 120-140 quintals per hectare.

Solan Hybrid 2 – This is a high yielding hybrid variety, whose fruits are ready in 60 to 65 days. Its plants are tall and fruits are square. This variety is safe from rot disease and bacterial disease. The average yield potential is 325-375 quintals per hectare.

California Wonder – This variety of capsicum plants are of medium height. This variety is very popular and gives good yield. Its fruits are dark green and shiny. The peel of the fruit is thick. The crop becomes ready for plucking in 75 days. Its average yield potential is 125-150 quintals per hectare.

Capsicum Cultivation
Image Credit: urjaseeds

Capsicum Cultivation 

It can be cultivated both in open field and in polyhouse. Smooth loamy soil is considered good for this. Apart from this, capsicum can also be cultivated in sandy loam soil by applying good amount of manure and irrigation at the right time. Keep in mind that water should not accumulate in the field.

It is cultivated by making beds, then for the cultivation of capsicum raised above the ground surface and flat beds are considered better. Generally after 65-70 days the crop of capsicum is ready for harvesting, but some varieties may take 90 to 120 days to get ready.

Capsicum Cultivation
Image Credit: vikaspedia

Coloured capsicum is in high demand in the market. It is sold for Rs 100 to 250 per kg, while green capsicum is sold for Rs 40 to 80 per kg.

Also Read: Commercial cultivation of Munja grass on infertile land and get handsome income

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