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Colourful Cauliflower Cultivation, Increase Both Health and Profits

Colourful cauliflower contains essential minerals


Colours have a very important place in life. It also affects the aspects related to our life. But very few people know that these colours also have an effect on our health. One such example is the colourful cauliflower. Its cultivation is similar to that of cauliflower. Farmers can increase their income by cultivating it. Dr. Abhishek Pratap Singh, chief and vegetable crop expert of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Samastipur, Bihar gave detailed information. He told us about the technology of cultivation of coloured cauliflower and its benefits.

Colourful Cauliflower Cultivation, Increase Both Health and Profits

Colourful cauliflower is a healthy vegetable 

Vegetable crop expert Dr. Abhishek said that colourful cauliflower is not only good for taste but also for health. Carotenoids, flavinoids, ascorbic acid, potassium, anti-oxidants, vitamin ‘P’ and essential minerals are found in this cauliflower. ir controls the level of cholesterol and blood pressure in the body. Inclusion of yellow cabbage in daily diet improves health and helps get glowing skin. This cauliflower even strengthens immunity.

Colourful Cauliflower Cultivation, Increase Both Health and Profits

Variety, seed quantity and sowing time of coloured cauliflower

Vegetable expert Dr Singh said that carotene (yellow colour) and ballytina (purple colour) are the main hybrid varieties in colourful cauliflower. For its cultivation, nursery should be prepared in the month of September-October. For this, 100-125 grams of seed per acre is sufficient. Dr. Abhishek  told that like normal cauliflower, it needs cool and humid climate for its cultivation. Colourful cauliflower can be cultivated in all types of land. Where there is large amount of fossil material, drainage system, it can be cultivated successfully. It should be noted that pH value of the soil should be 5.5 to 6.6. For the preparation of the field, after plowing 3-4 times, the field should be leveled by applying a pad.

Also Read: Why is the trend of farmers moving towards the cultivation of colourful cauliflower? Know about the cultivation methods 

Colourful Cauliflower Cultivation, Increase Both Health and Profits

How to transplant coloured cauliflower? 

For the cultivation of coloured cauliflower, when the plants are 4-5 weeks old, then 60X60 cm in the field and should be planted at a distance of 60X45 cm. Light irrigation is required after transplanting.

Colourful Cauliflower Cultivation, Increase Both Health and Profits

When and how much to use manure and fertilizer? 

Dr. Abhishek Pratap Singh told that if rotten manure of cow dung is available for vegetable cultivation, then 100 quintals of farm yard manure and compost should be mixed 15 days before transplanting. Apply 45 to 50 kg nitrogen, 25 kg phosphorus and 15-16 kg potash per acre. He said that full quantity of Phosphorus and Potash and half quantity of Nitrogen are mixed well in the field 3 days before planting. The remaining amount of nitrogen is divided into two equal parts and used as top dressing at 30-35 days after transplanting and at 45 to 50 days interval. Apart from this, 600 grams of ammonium molybrate and 5 kg of boron should be given per acre at the time of weeding and tilling.

Colourful Cauliflower Cultivation, Increase Both Health and Profits

Irrigation and Weed control 

Vegetable expert Dr. Singh said that for its successful cultivation, irrigation should be continued at an interval of 10 to 15 days after planting the saplings as per the need. After three weeks of planting coloured cauliflower, weeding and earthing should be done and weeding should be done as per the need.

Colourful Cauliflower Cultivation, Increase Both Health and Profits

Also Read: Variety of beans: Increased crop production from zorin beans, this purple variety is climate friendly

Pests and Disease Management of Colourful Cauliflower Plants 

Vegetable expert said that, diamond back moth and mustard fly, a major pest in coloured cauliflower can be controlled. Solution of biological drug Bacillus dhuringiensis should be sprayed. Use pheromone traps to catch adult insects.

For semi-melting in coloured cauliflower, treat the seeds with Trichoderma @ 5 gm per kg seed and mix it with compost at the rate of 20 gm per square meter in the soil. In the event of this disease, the nursery should not be irrigated. At the same time, when there is an attack of the second major disease black thawing, then the diseased plants should be collected and destroyed. For the prevention of this disease, a solution of copper oxychloride and streptocycline 200 p.m. should be sprayed.

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