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He tripled his income on the basis of modern farming

Increased income from farming, improved livelihood


With the changing times, farmers are turning to modern farming. Knowing all about new technologies, they’re applications and secret to getting bumper yields. This is the reason that now agriculture is also being seen as a business.

If farmers are aware of farming and use modern and scientific techniques in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, then they can bring a positive change in their lives. Mathura Das did something similar. There is a village in Harda district of Madhya Pradesh, whose name is Charkheda. Mathura Das, a farmer living in this village, has 40 acres of land. There was a time when he used to cultivate Arhar and Soyabean in Kharif season, Wheat and Gram in Rabi season.

Mathura Das used to sow the seeds stored directly. He never used advanced farming techniques. They also lacked knowledge about the management and maintenance of the farm through scientific methods. He did not know much about modern agriculture. His annual income was also about 5 lakh 57 thousand rupees. As the family was growing, it was also necessary to increase the income. He was looking for alternatives that could increase his income.

Also Read: Natural farming reduced the cost and increased profit for this farmer of Andhra Pradesh

Work started on the advice of experts 

For this he met Rural Agriculture Extension Officer (RAEO). On the advice of RAEO, Mathura Das met subject experts of Krishi Vigyan Kendra. The experts made agricultural plans for them on the basis of scientific methods. They were advised to use high quality agricultural materials as per their requirement.

He tripled his income on the basis of modern farming
Image Credit: jawaharlal nehru krishi vishwavidyalaya & agrigoaexpert)

From sugarcane cultivation to silk production also started 

It was suggested to establish a sericulture unit along with the cultivation of cash crops like sugarcane and mulberry by adopting modern farming. Following these suggestions, Mathura Das started sericulture along with sugarcane cultivation. Mathura Das did not stop here. Seeing the success of the advanced methods of modern farming, he also started seed production.

Earned more than three times 

With the adoption of modern agriculture, production capacity also increased. Soybean productivity increased from 5 quintals per acre to 7.5 quintals. Wheat production also increased. Where earlier there was 14 quintals of wheat per acre, now it has increased to 17.5 quintals.

Apart from this, Mathura Das also got a yield of 110 quintals of brinjal per acre. Along with this, an income of 40 thousand rupees per acre was earned from silk production. In this way, where earlier his annual income was about 5 and a half lakh rupees. Now by adopting advanced farming techniques and diversification, their annual income has become around Rs 17.8 lakh.

He tripled his income on the basis of modern farming
Image Credit: jawaharlal nehru krishi vishwavidyalaya

Increased income from modern farming, improved livelihood 

In today’s date, Mathura Das happily tells that farming has given him a lot. He has bought a new tractor, three motorcycles and a new house. Mathura Das considers this as the key to his success, devising strategies according to scientific techniques and farms. He suggests to his fellow farmers that in today’s time it is very important to adopt crop rotation, crop diversification and integrated farming system. 

He tripled his income on the basis of modern farming
Image Credit: jawaharlal nehru krishi vishwavidyalaya

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