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Integrated Farming: Earn lakhs from a small piece of land

Benefits from inter-cropping, horticulture and nursery.


New inventions are happening every day in agriculture, so the life of the farmers is becoming easier, and the profits are increasing, but not every farmer can take advantage of the new inventions. This is because of a lack of information and awareness. Otherwise, owners of less than 1 hectare of land can earn lakhs. Manjanna T.K., a farmer from the Tumkur district of Karnataka. Doing exactly the same. He is earning Rs 2,81,000 annually from just 0.8 hectares of land. Let’s know Manjanna T.K. How has farming made a profitable deal?

From Cereals to Horticulture Crops

Before contacting Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Konehalli, Tumkur, Manjanna T.K. Crops like ragi and red gram were grown in 0.8 hectares of land. Along with this, he also used to cultivate horticulture crops like bananas, mango, and coconut. He also has a milk cow and a nursery where he does beekeeping. Manjanna is a progressive farmer who is always ready to adopt new technology. Due to the new technology, he turned farming into a profitable business.

Integrated Farming
Image Credit: damsideland

Integrated Farming System

After coming in contact with Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Konehalli, Tumkur, he adopted Integrated Farming System and started using the scientific method in farming. He is using integrated pest and disease management techniques with balanced fertilizer use, weed control and water management, which has increased the productivity of the crops.

Production of Inter Crops

Earlier, Manjanna used to grow coconut as a single crop, but to use the land more efficiently, they started growing jasmine and chrysanthemum in 20 gunthas between the coconut trees. This increased his income. He also started growing green chillies and red gram in the seed of a mango tree. Manjanna wants to make the right use of every inch of land. So he started banana cultivation as an intercrop in the coconut plantation. Apart from this, seeing the abundance of flowers in his garden, he also started beekeeping, which helped form pollen grains in the plants. He planted pheromone traps to protect the coconut tree from pest damage and used Trichoderma and manure for better plant growth.

Integrated Farming
Image Credit: replantcoconut

Use of Machines

Given the labor shortage in the area, Manjanna also installed a number of machines for farm work, including a weeder and a machine to pluck coconuts from trees.

How much is the Income

He started earning good income by cultivating different crops. Annual profit of Rs 50,000 is being made only from banana cultivation. 91,000 from chrysanthemum, Rs.14,000 from coconut, Rs.74,000 from jasmine, Rs.10,500 from mango, Rs.42,000 from dairy. In this way he is earning a profit of 2,81,500 annually.

Integrated Farming

His success is also an inspiration to other youths in the village who are leaving farming due to low returns. Manjanna has proved that farming can also be made profitable, all it takes is hard work and adoption of new technology.

Also Read: Integrated Farming: Hit IFS model of Kerala farmer C Bhaskaran

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