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This farmer invented Lemon Variety as big as orange

Rawalchand Pancharia comes among the well-known farmers of Jodhpur district


In a conversation with Kisan of India, Rawalchand Pancharia told that it took him four to five years to prepare a new variety of lemon. Known for his innovative experiments in organic farming, this farmer has invented a new variety of lemon this time. When a farmer experiments new things in farming to increase income and make farming easy, then he contributes significantly to the development of the agricultural sector at the national level. One such farmer is Rawalchand Pancharia, a resident of Jodhpur, Rajasthan.

Rawalchand Pancharia, who did a private job for about four years, then started his own business in 2014. He started organic farming on the ancestral land. He is credited with creating a unique variety of white sweet potato from an improved crop of black wheat. He has been honoured with many national and state level awards for his experiments.

Lemon variety matured in four to five years 

The new variety of lemon which has been invented by Rawalchand Pancharia is named Patar Chata. This paper lemon looks like an orange. It took four to five years to prepare this variety.

Rawalchand Pancharia has planted fruit and medicinal plants on his land in his garden. There are three to four varieties of lemons in the garden. People are coming from far and wide to see these varieties.

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How to prepare Big Lemon? (New Varieties of Lemon)

In conversation with Kisan of India, Rawalchand Pancharia said that he prepared this variety through grafting method. 10 plants were prepared from one plant.

The branch of the plant on which lemons of different sizes come is cut and sowed separately. In this way a new plant is prepared. It took three years for the new plant to grow. Then after three years, when the plant was ready, by sowing each branch separately, 10 plants were prepared.

Rawalchand Pancharia told that he has been working on a new variety of lemon for about 6 years. This variety of lemon becomes ready after 90 days of flowering. Its fruits come twice a year i.e. in winter and summer.

Rawalchand claims that Patar Chata, a new variety of lemon, is effective in relieving the problem of stones. He said that people have tried this variety and its results have been positive. (Kisan of India does not scientifically endorse this claim)

Prepare variety in organic way 

Rawalchand says that keeping the body healthy is most important. The body will be healthy only when the grains are good. That is why he gave priority to organic farming from the very beginning. He prepares all the experiments and varieties by organic method. That is his specialty.

Animal husbandry importance in organic farming 

He has installed units of many organic products including earthworm manure in his Mahalaxmi organic agriculture farm. They say that organic farming is not possible without animal husbandry. Earthworm manure, cow urine, nitrogen are supplied only from animal husbandry. He has reared 8 to 10 cows of Tharparkar breed in his farm. Many farmers come to learn the tricks of organic farming from him. Today around 500 farmers are associated with him.

The problem of getting the market does not come in organic produce 

Rawalchand says that he never faced any market problem to sell his produce. Due to good food grains, the villagers started giving good prices. There are about 100 houses in Jodhpur region that buy goods directly from them.

Honored with many awards 

Rawalchand Pancharia is honoured with award for successful cultivation and best performance of sweet potato on January 26, 2021. He has also been honoured with many other honours and awards.

An important meeting of Rajasthan government 

Rawalchand Pancharia was also a part of the important meeting of the Agriculture Budget to be presented separately in Rajasthan from 2022-23. Progressive farmers were called from the Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, cooperatives etc. in the process of preparing the agriculture budget. In this meeting, Rawalchand Pancharia put forth many of his suggestions and ideas related to the development of agriculture in front of the officers.

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