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Why is Grafting Technique effective in Vegetable and Fruit Cultivation? From where to get Training?

A new plant is developed by joining two plants.


The grafting technique, also known as grafting, has been used for years. Earlier farmers used it only to grow a few selected plants, but now advanced varieties of fruits and vegetables are being developed by adopting it on a large scale. VNR Nursery Pvt. Ltd. Grafting technology provides farmers with improved fruit and vegetable seedlings. Deepika Joshi, the correspondent of Kisan of India, spoke to Kriti from VNR Nursery Pvt. Ltd to know what this technology is and how it benefits the farmers.

Plants reaching Farmers

VNR Nursery Pvt. Ltd. Started in 2012. This company is located in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Kriti, associated with this company, says that VNR Nursery is one of India’s ten nurseries, with a 3-star rating from the National Horticulture Board. She says the company researches to develop improved varieties of many fruits and vegetables. Not only this, along with the advanced variety of plants, the company is also working on new diseases and new technology. The company claims that it tries to take this information and research to the farmers so that they can benefit from it. For this, VNR Nursery contacts the scientists of Agricultural Universities and Krishi Vigyan Kendra of different states and transmits all the information to them.

Grafting Technique
Image Credit: KOI

Grafting Technique Training for Farmers

Grafting is an exceptional technique which is also called grafting. Two types of plants are taken in this. One plant with the root and the other with the stem part. Then these two are combined so that a new plant develops from it. VNR Nursery provides training to the farmers on grafting techniques. Kriti says that the company organizes 7-day workshops for the farmers. For this, farmers have to register beforehand. Along with this, essential things like how to choose the right soil, how to harden the plants after grafting, and how much it will cost to prepare the structure of the entire nursery are told. Through this workshop, the effort is to teach that farmers can get more production at less cost. Kriti says that VNR BIHI, a variety of fruit developed by her company, has become very popular.

Grafting Technique
Image Credit: KOI

Give Plants with Information

Kriti says that the work of her company does not end only after giving the plants to the farmers, rather, they run a hand-holding program. That is, the farmers are given full help even during farming. Once the farmers have planted the saplings, the company’s experts visit their fields to provide further information, such as how to take care of the plants according to the cultivation area and climate. Not only this, if the experts of the company are not able to reach any place, then the farmers can directly call the company and talk to any horticulture expert.

Grafting Technique
Image Credit: KOI

Why Grafting is Beneficial?

Farmers want to get more production from vegetables, but they are worried about soil borne diseases as it affects the crop. Grafting technique is very beneficial to get rid of this problem. In this, a part of a rooted plant and a stem of another plant is taken and added and a new plant develops from it. In this, hardening of delicate roots is done, which reduces the risk of pests and diseases and gives more production.

Grafting Technique
Image Credit: KOI

Cost Reduction

After planting the plants prepared by the grafting technique of VNR Nursery, farmers do not need to apply pesticides separately. The yield is also more, which increases the profit. Not only this, crops like tomato and cucumber can also be grown in off-season in poly houses. It fetches good prices and increases the income of the farmers.

Grafting Technique
Image Credit: KOI

Also Read: Tree Tomato Farming: Know How it is Cultivated and its Benefits

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