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Groundnut Cultivation: This woman cultivated groundnut with improved methods, this variety got good yield

It is important to take care of many things in the cultivation of groundnut


If scientific method is used in the production of pulses and oilseeds, then farmers will get more yield per hectare and profits will also be good. Knowledge of improved varieties and modern techniques is essential for better quality and production of the crop. Rashmita Sahu, a woman farmer of Ganjam district of Orissa is also doing the same. She may be a small farmer, but she is always keen to incorporate new technology in farming. So she took part in many training programs and increased her income by producing improved variety of groundnut. Small farmers are those who have land up to five acres.

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Adopted bumper yielding variety ‘Dharni’ 

It was only after attending several training programs related to pulses and oilseeds that she thought of producing the Dharni variety of groundnut. For the cultivation of groundnut, she got technical support from the scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ganjam, besides other important information.

Groundnut Cultivation: This woman cultivated groundnut with improved methods, this variety got good yield
Image Credit: agricoop

Use of advanced technology

After taking training, she was convinced that if everything is used properly and the field is properly looked after, yield will be good. Based on the advice given by the scientists, they used the following methods :

  • High yielding variety Dharni used 75 kg per hectare 
  • For the treatment of seeds used the drug Chlorpyrifos.
  • Sowing seeds by row method. In this method, the row-to-row distance is kept the same, due to which weeding becomes easy. Weeds are also produced less by this method. From the use of plough to row making, tools like drill, paddy drum seeder, cultivator can be used.
  • For protection against crop-damaging pests, 150 grams of Thiamethoxam drug per hectare was used. For tikka disease, hexaconazole drug is used at the rate of 1 litre per hectare.
Groundnut Cultivation: This woman cultivated groundnut with improved methods, this variety got good yield
Image Credit: agricoop

What is the specialty of Dharni variety?

  • This variety of groundnut is ready in 100 to 105 days
  • Yield of 16 to 26 quintals per hectare when planted in Kharif season
  • Production of 37 to 43 quintals per hectare when planted in Rabi season
  • This variety contains 15 to 20 percent more oil than other varieties of groundnut.
  • Water and sunlight are not needed even for 35 days
  • Drought tolerant variety 
  • Dharni variety absorbs water
  • Protected from diseases like root rot and stem rot
  • Beans are ripened together

Better profit than before 

Traditional groundnut cultivation by farmers costs Rs 35,000 per hectare, while the profit remains around Rs 32,000. On the other hand, Rashmita Sahu earned Rs. 95,400 income from improved varieties of farming at a cost of Rs 43,200. In this way she made a direct profit of Rs 52,200. Production capacity was also affected. Where earlier the yield was about 22 quintals per hectare, now it has increased to about 31 quintals per hectare. Seeing the success of Rashmita Sahu, other farmers of the area are also getting inspired for scientific farming.  

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