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Babu Shetty benefited from the cultivation of Long Cowpea, this improved variety of Farm Long Beans was prepared in just 4 months

Scientific techniques adopted in the cultivation of long cowpea



Farm Long Beans | Chawli is also known as long beans and cowpea. It’s cultivation is beneficial for the farmers. The crop is ready in 45-50 days and the demand for this nutritious vegetable remains in the market. Along with the vegetable of Chawli pods, its seeds are dried and kept for a long time and then it is also consumes as cooked vegetable. ICAR-IIHR has identified a new variety of Chawli i.e. Yard Long Beans, Arka Mangala. What is the specialty of this variety and how farmers are benefiting from the cultivation of long cowpea, know all in this article. 

Long Cowpea
Image Credit: ICAR-IIHR

New variety of chawli/cowpea 

ICAR-IIHR has identified New Yard Long Beans Arka Mangala which gives high yield. Its pods are green, long and tender. Progressive farmer H. Babu Shetty of Melhosur village in Udupi district of Karnataka sowed long beans Arka Mangala in one quarter acre yard in Rabi season 2018-19. Seeds of Arka Mangala variety for cultivation of tall cowpea were provided to him by ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru and Krishi Vigyan Kendra Brahmavar , a taluk in Udupi district of Mysore division in Karnataka under Bhoo Samridhi Project.

He planted the crop in the month of November at a distance of 45 cm between the plants and 120 cm between the rows. He followed all the advice and set standards of scientists. To increase the yield, three Arka Vegetable special sprays were used. 

Long Cowpea
Image Credit: ICAR-IIHR

Increased profit from long cowpea cultivation

H. Babu Shetty obtained 3.5 tonnes of excellent quality chawli beans from long cowpea cultivation on a quarter acre of land. They got its market available in the nearest areas. Its crop is sold at Rs 45 per kg. 

He made a profit of about Rs 97,500 in just 4 months of the harvest. Shetty is very happy with the yield potential and quality of Arka Mangala and says that it keeps on producing flowers and fruits. Also, he says that this variety gives soft green coloured beans, which matures quickly and is in great demand in the market.

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About this new variety developed by ICAR-IIHR, he also inspired the nearby farmers to cultivate this variety. The tremendous yield potential of Arka Mangala increased the interest of the farmers and ICAR-IIHR under Bhoo Samridhi Project provided 29 kg Arka Mangala seeds to the farmers for the Rabi Season 2019-20.

Long Cowpea
Image Credit: ICAR-IIHR

It should be sown in February-March in summer season and from first week of July to August 10 in rainy season. Its cultivation is good only in hot and dry weather. It cannot be grown in cold places. In order to get high yield, it is necessary to choose only improved varieties of hybrid seeds and it is important to keep in mind the distance between plants etc. Irrigation should be done at 2-3 days interval in summer season and indigenous manure should be used while preparing the field. 

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