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Millets Products: Cake made from millets reached Parliament House

Growth market for millets products.


Millet (Bajra) means coarse grain, which was once a part of our country’s traditional food, but now in the era of Pizza, Burgers, and Maggi, these grains have disappeared from our plates. But slowly, people are realizing its importance and making efforts to include it in food. The country’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has also discussed promoting Millet (Bajra) to improve farmers’ income. On the initiative of the Prime Minister to promote millets like a mission, many people came forward and are working to make millets products accessible to as many people as possible.

One such person is Dr. Sumit Soni, who is a physiotherapist by profession. He is now running a bakery and delivering cookies and cakes made of millet. Sumit Soni discussed his remarkable journey and his initiative to promote Bajra with Sarvesh Bundeli, correspondent of Kisan of India.

Millets Products

Why choose Bakery Business?

Dr. Sumit Soni says he has been conscious about his health since the beginning and takes excellent care, from exercise to diet. He believes that adopting a healthy diet is essential for a healthy lifestyle. So he started a bakery with his brother, where he kept doing new experiments as he did by making cakes from millet. The millet made by him reached the Parliament House. He made 60 kg millet cake in a day and took it to the Parliament, and even Prime Minister Narendra Modi tasted it.

Millets Products

Millet (Bajra) Cookies

Sumit Soni’s bakery is named RDZ 1983 Bakery, which makes various types of cookies from millet. They coat one variety of cookies with sesame seeds and the other with cashew nuts to make it popular. They are also preparing to make chocolate, namkeen, and cumin cookies to reach more people.

Millets Products
Bajra Cookies

How will farmers be benefited?

Sumit says that bajra cultivation is good in Rajasthan, but farmers do not want to grow it because it does not sell quickly and since it is seasonal, it is used only in winter. That’s why many farmers feed millet as fodder to animals, while many start doing other work instead of farming on their land. But if millet products are made and sold, it will benefit the farmers. He said that due to the popularity of bajra products in his state today, the price of bajra has increased from Rs.8 to Rs.20-22 per kg in the state.

Millets Products
Bajra Cookies

Farmers benefit more from higher sales

Sumit says that the higher the level we sell our products, the more the farmers will benefit. If it is sold all over the world, then it is also very good for them, because suppose it takes 4-5 kg ​​of millet to make 200 packets of biscuits, but when it is made on a large scale, it is obvious that we need more Millets. There will be need and we will buy bajra from farmers at a good price so that they also benefit.

Millets Products

Millet is a boon for health

Dr. Sumit says that millet is very beneficial for health. It helps in reducing weight and also keeps the stomach healthy. Also, he tells that the farmers of Rajasthan are strong because they eat millets throughout the year.

Sumit Soni is making its products pocket friendly to reach out to more and more people. Paying special attention to its branding and packaging. The way he has experimented with (millets), it will surely motivate other farmers to cultivate more millets.

Also Read: Millets Product: Highlights of Uttarakhand Shree Anna Mahotsav

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