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Plum Cultivation : Budding technique is effective in earning more profit from plum

A plum tree gives fruit for 50-60 years


In our country, ripe plums are available in the market during spring season. Apart from eating ripe berry as a fruit, beverages, candy etc. are also made from the berry. Plum contains magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, C, and calcium. Do you know that apart from India, plum is also cultivated on a large scale in China. In India, plum is grown in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Haryana and Maharashtra.

Plum Cultivation : Budding technique is effective in earning more profit from plum
Image Credit: icar

Plum cultivation requires less water. Therefore, berry is cultivated in areas with less rainfall and in dry climate. It does not cost much to cultivate plum and farmers get good profits. So it is beneficial for the farmers. Plum cultivation is done by sowing seeds directly or by growing plants from cuttings.

The yield is delayed in seed cultivation, so grafting is beneficial for early and high yield. At the same time, adopting budding technique in its cultivation gives more and better results. 

Plum Cultivation : Budding technique is effective in earning more profit from plum
Image Credit: icar

Soil and climate 

Plum can be cultivated even in barren land, as it does not require a lot of water. It is best cultivated for arid and semi-arid areas. If you are thinking of cultivating it on a commercial scale, then sandy loam soil is suitable for it and the pH value of the soil should be from 5.5 to 8.00. The temperature should be 20 to 22 degree Celsius at the time of transplanting and 25 to 35 degree celsius at the time of growth. The plum plant can tolerate a maximum temperature of 45 degrees.

Plum Cultivation : Budding technique is effective in earning more profit from plum
Image Credit: agrifarming

Improved varieties of plum 

Gola, Thai RJ, Kala Gora, JDG 2, Sanour 2, Banarasi Kadaka, Sev, Umran, Kaithali etc are some of the improved varieties of plum. Once the plum plant is planted properly, it gives yield for 50-60 years. Therefore, it is important to prepare the field properly before transplanting the plants. Plants are planted in the field by making pits. After plowing the field well, it is left for some time to be exposed to sunlight. The fruits of jujube are available only in the rainy and summer season.

Also Read: Radish Farming : Choose these improved varieties to earn more profit

Cultivation with Budding technique 

Instead of sowing seeds directly in the field, plum cultivation should be done by preparing the saplings in the nursery using budding technique. Improved varieties of jujube fruit are selected for budding, that is, their bud is taken and planted in the root. By culling technology, plums are converted into improved varieties. Improved variety of plants can be prepared by planting different types of seedlings on the same plant, due to which more fruits are obtained.

Plum Cultivation : Budding technique is effective in earning more profit from plum
Image Credit: amazon

Budding method 

  • First of all, indigenous plum plants are selected.
  • It is cut equal to the land in the month of May.
  • After monsoon, new shoots start growing on it, which become suitable for bud cultivation after 20-25 days.
  • Of the newly emerged shoots, the rest should be cut except 2-3.
  • The remaining sprouts should be cut by 25-30 cm. Cut it off at a height and the leaves and thorns should also be removed from it.
  • For budding technique, 15-20 cm above the ground, an incision of 2-3 cm long should be made along the length of the plant with the help of knife. The cut should be in T, I, inverted T, shape.
  • Then put the jujube buds of the selected varieties on the incision site and should be tied with a plastic bandage.
  • The plastic bandage should be tied except the bud.
  • After 15-20 days new plants start sprouting from that place.
  • After germination, the plant starts growing rapidly, at this time the plastic should be removed.
  • Only these sprouted plants will later become trees and give better quality fruits.
  • For higher yield, cultivation should be done between July to August with budding technique.
Plum Cultivation : Budding technique is effective in earning more profit from plum
Image Credit: icar

Plum plant is very useful. Apart from giving sweet fruits, its leaves act as nutritious fodder for animals. Generally, by growing an improved variety of ber in one hectare, a farmer can earn a profit of 9,56,000 annually. That is, cultivation of plum is useful in every respect. This cultivation can prove to be even more beneficial if done with budding technique. 

Also Read: These women farmers of Punjab run more than two thousand organic kitchen gardens, you can also start one

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