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Integrated Farming: Praveen from Karnataka increased his annual income from 47 thousand to 7 lakh rupees

Integrated farming proves beneficial for small and marginal farmers


Farmers with small holdings are turning to the integrated farming system. Along with farming, they increase their income by adopting activities like horticulture, animal husbandry, poultry, fishing, etc. A farmer from Vagarhalli village in Hassan district of Karnataka has presented such an example of integrated farming that the people of his area now consider him a role model.

Agriculture and Other Activities

Farmer Praveen has 1.69 hectares of cultivable land. He has adopted modern technology and integrated farming model on this land. Earlier, he used to do traditional farming of only Maize, Ragi, Potatoes, and Coconut. He also ran a small dairy and poultry unit. The income generated from this had to face difficulties in running the basic expenses of the house. Then, after contacting Krishi Vigyan Kendra, located in Hassan, he added many more agriculture-related activities to his farm.

Use of Equipment

Now he is also involved in horticulture and sericulture, using improved seeds of hybrid crops. Along with this, he has also upgraded his dairy, poultry, and piggery units. Using Azolla for animal feed, vermicomposting, and machines on the farm has reduced costs and increased profits.

Integrated Farming
Image Credit: agricoop

How did the Income Increase?

Earlier, Praveen used to cultivate only Ragi, Maize, Potato, and Coconut, from which he used to earn around 47 thousand annually. Krishi Vigyan Kendra informed Praveen about high-value crops.

He started ginger cultivation and silkworm rearing, so his income increased to about 2 lakh 37 thousand rupees. He started cultivating drumsticks and papaya amid coconut groves, which brought in additional income. The land has been put to good use by planting silver oak trees along the edges of the field. He does poultry farming behind the house. He has Swarnadhara, Giriraja, and 20 local breeds of chickens. This gives them about 4,230 eggs. This earns an income of about Rs 49,780. Sheep farming earns about Rs 23,950, and the pig farming unit earns Rs 73,630. In this way, his annual earning from all the activities is around Rs 7.28 lakh.

Feed Cost Reduction

He has made fodder blocks with the help of Krishi Vigyan Kendra to feed cows, buffaloes and sheep. In this, he cultivates Azolla. By mixing Azolla in mineral mixture and feeding it to animals, the cost of fodder is saved by Rs. 150 per day.

Integrated Farming
Image Credit: agricoop

Proper Management

To save water, he has adopted sprinkler irrigation technique in his coconut farm. Also, he reduces the labor involved in farming by using machines like coconut climber, coconut dehusker and cycle weeder. Not only this, he prepares vermicompost from the waste generated from agriculture. On an average, his farm produces 5,400 coconuts, 10 tonnes of vermicompost, 5 tonnes of cow dung, 40 tonnes of fodder and vegetables worth about Rs 1 lakh annually. Seeing Praveen’s successful integrated farming system, other people of the area have also been inspired to adopt it.

Also Read: Integrated Farming: Earn lakhs from a small piece of land

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